chapter one

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   Bailey has always felt like the black sheep in her family. Always left of out of conversations, tossed aside like her opinion didn't matter. Even when she was young she knew she was different from them, in a way that they wouldn't understand. Bailey tried the hardest she could to fit in, to please her parents, to feel special, but no matter how hard she tried it was never enough.

   Mr. Davis has received a big promotion a couple weeks ago for his job. It was one of those jobs where you just sit at a desk, called people, and asked if they wanted to renew their subscription of that one magazine that no one read. He acted as though he had solved world hunger with that smug smile on his face as he took his family out to dinner and shared the 'big' news with them.

   Mrs. Davis was ecstatic as she reached over the table and gave him a kiss that lasted a few seconds too long. Bailey's older sister Alice politely congratulated him, not straying from the reserved and quiet facade she kept up.

   Bailey just sat there. It wasn't like anyone listened to her anyways. All this meant was a new school, new people and new anxiety. She had never been the best at making friends, she only had a couple in her classes that she never talked to anywhere else.
Now on September 17th she leaves the only life she's ever known and drives toward her new life in Wellsbury, Massachusetts.

Trees and gentle hills roll by as Bailey watches through window of her dads black and shiny sedan. Her airpods were stuffed in her ears, drowning out the sounds of the outside world. She was frequently seen wearing her airpods, even if she wasn't listening to anything. It was the assumption people made of her not being able to hear them satisfied her.
Her eyes drifted over to the driver's seat where she saw her father speaking something that was unintelligible to her.

"Sorry, what?" She asked as she pulled the left airpod out of her ear.

"I asked if you were excited to start your new school," Mr. Davis exclaimed.

"Yep I'm absolutely stoked," she said not even trying to hide her sarcasm. She didn't even wait for a response as she could probably already guess what it was going to be as she returned her airpod back to it's place and turned up the music.


Two hours had past but it had felt like a million years to Bailey. The hills and plains had been replaced by small towns and although Bailey didn't want to admit it she thought it was charmingly quaint.

Enchanted by Taylor Swift had just ended in her ears as the pulled into a small driveway connected to a beautiful house.

The house was painted a pale blue and had a wrap around porch with a wooden rocking chair near the front door. Stone columns held up the roof of the porch and the trim was a nice and neat white.

Bailey was pleasantly surprised by the house but that still didn't change the fact that she didn't want to be there.

The slamming of a car door interrupted her from her thoughts and she spun towards the house next door.

A boy with messy hair and a plain gray shirt only decorated with the word 'wednesday' casually walked towards the front door. Bailey pondered the shirt for a second, finding it odd that he was wearing it on a saturday but quickly moved her attention to the blonde woman storming after him.

She looked like she should have smoke blowing out if her nose with her facial expression. Bailey was glad her parents never acted like that towards her even if she did yearn for their attention.

   The boy gave her a quick glance but didn't pay her family much attention as he sauntered through his front door. The woman, who Bailey could only guess was his mom. Finally realized the family who had just started unloading boxes from the moving box. She looked mortified.

   Bailey let out a small laughing huff as she grabbed a box that was labeled 'books' and started toward the front door. She did that even bother checking out the first floor as she climbed up the steps and trudged up the stairs.

   She was met with an open area, her parents would probably turn it into game area, and a couple of doors. She decided to settle with the smallest bedroom, which still was good size, to avoid any conflict with her sister.

She laid the box down on the hard wood floor and opened the curtains that blocked the big window. She examined the view she had and noticed a window of the house next door was open which gave her full view of the colorful room. She spotted a girl with black hair sitting on her bed alone focused solely on her phone, like it was the only thing that could ever matter in the world.

The sour expression on the girls face made Bailey frown.

Almost as if the girl could feel Bailey's gaze she looked up and locked eyes with her. They stayed staring at each other for a moment, maybe a bit longer than necessary and a small blush formed on Bailey's cheeks.

The opening of her door started Bailey as she quickly turned away from the window and cleared her throat.

Mrs. Davis strolled into the room and looked around the room.

"It's a bit small don't you think?" She asked. Bailey hated that. She hated that her mom couldn't see the potential in things that weren't as big or successful.

"I like it," was Bailey's responses.

"Hmm I guess you'll find something to do with it. Your dad and I are going across the street to introduce ourselves to the neighbors. You can start making yourself at home." She didn't even wait for a response as she shut the door behind her.

Bailey sighed deeply and turned back toward the window. The girl was now gone, leaving behind only the image of her beautiful eyes in Bailey's mind.

please let me know if there are any spelling mistakes <3

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