chapter two

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   Monday had finally rolled around after the excruciatingly long weekend filled with unpacking and 'family bonding'. Bailey wasn't excited to go to school but at least she didn't have to hangout with her parents any longer than necessary.

She decided to dress casual in black leggings and a blue sweatshirt that had the words 'baltimore national aquarium' plastered on the front.

She was able to take two steps out of her bedroom before earning a condescending look from her mother.

"You're seriously wearing that? Nobody will want to talk to you if you show up looking homeless." Mrs. Davis said, obviously less than impressed.

Bailey sometimes feels ashamed for being so different than her family. She was one to not care about appearances or clothing. Her mother was always the picture of perfection. Never seen in casual clothes. Never had her brunette hair out of her sleek bun.

Bailey didn't care about impressing anyone. All she wanted to do was feel comfortable in her own body. Growing up with a picture perfect family had always been hard on her self esteem. Told time and time again that she wasn't wearing the right clothes, had a single hair out of place, had a spot of acne on her nose. For once she just wanted someone to tell her that they didn't care how she presented herself and just loved her for her.

   Because they had just moved in they didn't have everything unpacked so for breakfast so she grabbed an apple on the way out the door.

   No 'goodbye Bailey, have a good first day' from either of her parents.

   As she stepped out of her house and closed her door her sight was greeted by her two neighbors arguing in their driveway.

   "Marcusss," the girl from the window complained, dragging out the s. "If you don't hurry your ass up i'm going to miss the girls before first period!"

   The boy, Marcus, had just stumbled out of the house with a shoe half on his foot and his hair in a messy pile.

   "It's not my fault mom took my motorcycle away," he retorted.

   "Actually it is, maybe you shouldn't have been smoking weed with Georgia," the girl said smugly, proud of herself for clapping back.

Bailey felt bad for eavesdropping dropping but she couldn't really help it with how loud the girl was talking.

She decided to move on before the siblings noticed her awkwardly standing there and she started on her short trek to school.


Because they had only taken one car from their home Bailey had to walk to school until her parents decided she had earned the right for a car. It wasn't really a problem for her though, walking was refreshing.

Her stomach twisted and turned as she walked through the doors of her new school. The thoughts coursed through her mind. 'What if I get lost' 'what if I don't make any friends'. the worrying felt endless but it all came to a sudden halt as she heard a voice call out to her.

"Hey neighbor," the pretty girl from the bedroom window spoke. She was sitting on a small black chair with a girl with brown curly hair on the arm to her left. A girl with black hair and bangs sat on the floor in front of her legs and another girl with reddish brown hair sat next to her.

Bailey could feel her palms sweat as she debated in her mind for a second then made her way over to the bunch.

   "Hi," she spoke, having no idea what else to say.

   "Oh my god, your hair is so beautiful. What products do you use? I wish my hair was that shiny. It's sooo bland." Bailey was surprised by her neighbors ease of conversing. She had almost felt like she was having a conversation with someone she'd known all her life.

   "Max you're scaring the poor girl, she's obviously nervous," the curly haired girl scolded Max.

   "What I was just asking," Max pouted.

   "Is it that obvious?" Bailey asked, running her hands through her hair.

   "Don't worry, I know school sucks but it won't be as bad as you think. I was new a couple months ago, I live across the street. I met your parents a couple days ago, I'm Ginny," Ginny gave her a warm smile and Bailey's anxiety almost completely fled her body.

   "We can be your tour guides! Max said excitedly. "I'm Maxine, but you can call me Max." She pointed at the girl with bangs, "That's Norah." She introduced the small girl last, "and thats Abby."

   "I'm Bailey," she gave a genuine smile for what felt like the first time in forever.

   Max's expression went sour as a curvy girl with dark hair strutted by, not batting a single eyelash at the group.

   "God, how is she literally so perfect without even trying," Max complained.

   "Come on babes, you have to get over she. You deserve so much better," Norah reassured the disappointed girl.

   "I am aren't I?" She seemed to cheer up a bit from the comment and tilted her head to the side and pouted her lips.

   "Oh shit we're gonna be late, what class do you have first?" Ginny directed the question at Bailey.

   "AP english."

   "Oh nice that's my class, the teacher is a dick but at least you'll have a friend in it." Bailey's heart warmed at what Ginny said. "Okay we'll see you guys later."

   "Bye hotties," Max said as she turned away from the group.

   Bailey could have sworn she saw Max throw a wink her way but she just told herself her mind was playing tricks on her.

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