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"This room... this should be an old person's room." Su Yu spoke after he checked the things inside the room while ignoring the 'dancing shadows' which immediately behaved after he secretly glared at them.

He is a demon while the shadows are just ghosts, not to mention that they are so weak. Even if his body right now is of a human, but his soul – where his power also comes from, is not. Even if Su Yu's powers have weakened for now after he crossed time and space, but he is still able to deal with the ghosts. He is also confident that he should be able to deal with that evil ghost, thus he decided to explore the Purple Old Mansion.

"How does senior say so?" Duan Yuan asked as he fumbled in the darkness. Even if he has already used to being blind, but this is a new environment after all. So, his blindness is really a big disadvantage, especially since they are dealing with an evil ghost.

What is good is that his eyes, even though blind, can 'see' other things, to which is an advantage in their current situation.

"The bathroom is specially designed for the elderly to use." Su Yu answered before he paused when he thought of something. "Well, they might have designed it this way in case the owner of this room was injured. We can't conclude yet." He explained.

"Senior is right." Duan Yuan nodded in agreement and continued to fumble around the room. "Hm?" he muttered when he touched something. "Senior." He called Su Yu. "I seemed to find... a picture frame." He said.

"Really?" Su Yu exclaimed. He turned and went to Duan Yuan to see. "It is a family picture." He said. "Is this the Lei family?" he asked as he stared at the picture.

In the picture is a couple and three children – two boys and a girl.

Su Yu doesn't know who is who, so he can't say anything yet. He turned to his online audience. "Anyone has a clue as to who are they in the picture?" he asked.

"Give me two minutes, anchor! I will look up this picture!"

"Upstairs is too dedicated. But, with the information that we got earlier from an enthusiastic netizen, would the people in the picture be the second daughter's family? After all, she has inherited the Purple Old Manor."

"Brother from above, why can't it be the original owner of the Purple Old Manor? Lei Zitian and his wife Ji Zixin?"

"Since Lei Zitian and his wife are already dead, then their pictures could only be archived by their daughter, right? The Purple Old Manor is now hers and her family."

"Upstairs has a point."

"Then, this should be Lei Zi... wait, what's the daughter's name again?"

"Lei Zixi. The current owner is her son, Lei Ziran, who is putting up the Purple Old Manor in a bid overseas."

"So, the mother in the picture is Lei Zixi with her husband... and Lei Ziran is one of the boys."

"Hmm... why do I feel that this is familiar?"

"What do you mean, upstairs?"

"Well... isn't Lei Zixi's family... similar to her mother's family?"

"You mean... her mother also has two boys and a girl? Which is her and her brothers?"

"Yes. But, what's different is that the Purple Old Manor fell on her son's hands."

"I have been meaning to ask this, but what happened to her children? To the Lei family? Does anyone know?"

Su Yu saw the latest comment and has a similar question. All they know is that the Lei family has migrated overseas, but where they are exactly now, and what is their situation, he doesn't know. So far, only Lei Ziran's situation is revealed, but not that much. They only know that he has put up their ancestral home for a bid. But why did he do it, they don't know.

So, what exactly happened to the Lei family? How are they now?

"Senior." Duan Yuan called. "What's wrong?" he asked when he noticed that Su Yu has fallen silent again.

Su Yu turned to him. "Well, I was just reading my fan's comments..." he explained. "They said that the family in the photo is either the previous generation, Lei Zitian and his wife's family, or their daughter's family." He told Duan Yuan.

"I see..." Duan Yuan muttered as he thoughtfully rubbed the edges of the picture frame.

"Let's see... is there something else...?" Su Yu muttered as he looked around.

"Anchor, I ask you to go out there now... we don't know yet when will those dancing shadows pounce on you!"

"Upstairs, I hope that you won't be a crow's mouth*!" (*saying unlucky things that might come true)

"But yes, the room looked even creepier now... is it just me or the light in the room became dimmer?"

Su Yu started when he read the comment. He turned and looked at the candelabras to see that the candles' flames seemed to turn dimmer. To which should be impossible, but since what is happening tonight is out of common sense, then Su Yu should believe what his eyes could see.

"Junior, let's go out of here. For now." Su Yu told Duan Yuan.

Duan Yuan turned to him. He didn't ask anything, since he thinks that Su Yu must have found something. "Okay." He nodded in agreement.

They immediately headed towards the door.

"Waaaah! My god! Did you see that?!"

"No... no, my knees are shaking right now even if I am sitting... what the hell was that?!"

"Should we tell the anchor?"

"Don't! He and his junior are already leaving. Don't scare them more!"

"Yes... upstairs is right. What happened in this room just now is already scary enough. The anchor is just acting brave, so don't tell him!"

"That's right. Also... what we saw was just outside the window... that face looked really horrifying... it is better that the anchor wouldn't see it."

"Yes, the anchor shouldn't see it!"

"Hm? What should I not see? Su Yu asked when he read the latest comment. Then, he turned back, only for the door to suddenly close on his face with a loud bang.

The author has something to say:

Su Yu: do it* again? (*shutting the door on his face)

The evil ghost: *trembles. Don't dare! Don't dare! TTATT

Duan Yuan: senior, I can do 'it', again and again.~

Su Yu: ... (I never knew that this guy would turn this yellow*)

*h*rny, *bscene  

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