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ARISU groaned tossing and turning on the bed,. "Arisu, you sleep like a dog." You say making Usagi chuck a bit.

Inferno wandered around Arisu's room looking curiously at everything.

The moment Arisu opened his eyes and sat up straight, he noticed that he was wearing a jacket / hoodie on his shoulders.

Arisu blinked, "Thatz mine." You say., "...How'd it..?"

"After we drank the alcohol even though I didn't want to.. Hatter made you drink more so you were drunk a wouldn't let go of me." You shrugged.

"I- I'm sorry...-" Arisu blushed.

"It's chill."

"It seems like Hatter has taken a liking to the both of you. The militants have their eye on you teo, so be careful., You don't know what they'll do to you." Usagi spoke. Arisu nodded as you shrugged.

'Man I do that a lot.'


As Arisu talked to some people looking for information you took a piece of watermelon and started to eat because you ate and left no crumbs.

"The more I hear the more depressing it gets." Usagi said.

"Perhaps,.. our only hope really lies in the playing cards." Arisu says.

"I'm still hungry." The trio then stepped outside, "I'll head to the annex basement now." Usagi said.

"Don't overdo it." Arisu says, "Keep on slaying." You point finger guns at her.

"I'll go get food supplies and any weapons that we can use., I'll also gather some information in case we need it." Usagi smiled at the two of you then walked away.

"Wait!" You yelled making her look back.

You smiled at her, "Be careful." You say making Usagi smile before nodding.

The the two continued walking Arisu spoke, "In case we need it? What does that mean..?" He asked.

"Info can be good ya know?" You say but you two stop in your tracks looking at two players.

"Hey, can I ask you both something?" Arisu was about to run to them but you grabbed his hand gently ofc.

Before Arisu could even pose a question, the other two players fled., Suddenly, gunshots were heard coming from the back.

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