Shade One
In life I travelled far and wide
With bags of trinkets by my side.
I claimed that each a saint had blessed
And those who bought one passed God's test.
So peddling wares of merit false
Bought me this end, this devil's waltz.Shade Two
I never moved myself to try.
I did but nothing till I died.
No stand against another took
Nor did promote the Holy Book.
I never made to move a thumb
And now await what is to come.Shade Three
"Who are these fools who blind believe
In souls and such? They are deceived."
So said I when earth I walked
And never thought I'd know the shock
Of being wrong, yet here am I
To witness what I thought were lies.
Poems for Morbid Children
PoetryThis is a collection of some of my more curious and macabre poems. Many of my poems play with words, the sounds and shapes of them. However, I often attempt to delineate emotion and sensation I cannot otherwise word, or I take inspiration from legen...