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HELOOOO Marcus butler preference hahahhah. this next book is an alpha/omega book. it's also and mpreg which is awesome!👍🏻and Niall weird food cravings! he's said he doesn't like pickles then a few minutes later he would be asking for a jar of pickles😂
I think niallers cravings are really cute cause he carries Liam's baby heck yeah how would it feel to have a dad who is a hunk😂✌🏻️.@foodislife2001

from now on I will call all of u *drum roll* BANANAS🍌
well if your going to ask I also don't know why I'll call u guys banana🍌?
ohh now I know cause it reminds me of Harry so yahh🍌 and the shoutout goes to HazBaeAri 👍🏻👍🏻so here's the song

her boyfriend is a dick he brings a gun to school and he'd simply kick my ass if he knew the _____

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