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So bonjour bananas 👋👋👋

First things first my itouch crashed, bc of ios 9 so if your going to update dont cause its not nice !! But if you really want to make sure you have a backup /icloud.

So im back and im reading hariana stories again like wtf !!
So this book is super cool i love it already.

So the story begins when harry kidnaps ari and brings her to holmes chapel.
Thats all i can give if your interested go check it out. ! Forever_Hariana

so back to ios 9 if your going to updat make sure yo have a backup because there are times that when you update they restore it, all of my pictures/videos at moonlight's concert were gone.

HazBaeAri xx_trxye_xx & @ohsnapitshariana
After this ____ you catch your ____,you look at me and say love are you _____.

BEST BOOKSOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant