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Hi Friends

So this is a niam book ! I love it very much But its still on going . the story is about
A pornstar and a college boy. And that pornstar is liam and the collage boy is niall
And the liam gets what he wants and if he dosent get it he screams like a kid who dosent get ice cream aka me 😂😂😂😢

So vote and comment bc -NiamsDirection- he has a goal in the every chapter and i want him to update more bc I already luv the book so please vote and comment !!

Authors note
For the guess the song game
Im going to stop the game for a while
So this will be one of last chapters that have a song.
But i will not stop posting chapters
I will continue to publish chapters but theres no
Game anymore.
Bc not many people join the game and i keep giving the shoutout's
To the same person :-(
So thats all and have you heard perfect
Its so purfecttt

How many ______ does it take to count the stars
Thats the time it will take to ___ my heart

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Oct 17, 2015 ⏰

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