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So hola my bananas 🍌🍌🍌

So this is another niam book !!! And I'm sure you will love this book bc so much niam fluff !! But even though the updates are slow it's worth it. So a little sneak peak. Niall is an exchange student from Ireland to London . There is this creepy man aka Liam who sends him creepy letters like I want to fuck u. Btw this is also an alpha Omega kind of story. So back to the sneek peak , then Niall was on heat and him and Liam helped him and they accidentally bonded....then zayn had a plan all along . Then zayn raped Niall bc he looks like Perrie .😑😑
That's all I can say don't want to be a spoiler ...which I was already

If you want to know more read Puppetteer by @narrysloveismine

That's all I can say don't want to be a spoiler ...which I was already 😑

😭  so this will be the second to the last chapter :( im sorry but I want to focus on my other book, and im thinking about writing a book. I just want to say thank you thank you for voting and for your comments.

BEST BOOKSOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant