Chapter 9

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Previously on Chapter 8

Kei instantly realizes that Nakano is trying to get himself to reset. He quickly chases after the brunette. I just stand up and watch in silent. What should I do at this point? Do I help him? But I don't want to hurt Nakano.

What to do?

-Now What?-


Kei walks back towards me, dragging Nakano behind him. "Is he alright, Kei?" I asked, standing up. He drop Nakano's leg and breathe heavily. He turns to look at the boy and turn to me.

"Yeah. This guy's an Ajin. He won't die. But right now... he's just unconscious. I know ways to subdue him. Now, would you lend me a hand?" He said. I just nod my head and walk towards him. I gently grab Nakano's arm, and wrap it around my shoulder.

I just follow where Kei is going. He seem to be heading towards a truck that seem to have fallen off the cliff. He let Nakano's arm go and open the truck's door. He turn to look at me.

"Drop him in there" he said. My eyes widened at what he said. "Wait... are you serious??" I asked. He just nods his head. He looks dead serious with what he just said. I turn to look at the truck. I let out a sigh and walk towards it.

"Sorry, Nakano-Kun..." I said. I gently push Nakano. I wince at the sound as he fell into it. "That sounded like it hurts... I sure hope he's okay" I said. Kei turn to look at me.

"He's an Ajin just like me. He can't die..." he said. I let out a sigh at what he said and hits his shoulder. He let out a pained cry as he clutch his shoulder. "Ow! Y/N, why did you hit me??" He asked. I roll my eyes and cross my arms across my chest.

"It hurts, doesn't it? And how do you think falling in there feels like? Should I drop you in too?" I said, annoyed by his ignorance. He just huffed at what I said. I let out a soft sigh and shake my head.

"Let's head back now... we'll check on him tomorrow" he said. My eyes widened at what he said. "Seriously? You just want to leave him... here??" I said. He turn to look at me.

"It's not like he's going to run away. He'll be fine. Come on" he said, grabbing my hand and pulls me along with him. I let out a sigh and just walk along with him. I turn to look behind me at the closed truck doors. I sure hope he will be fine in there. But there's no arguing with Kei. So, why should I even bother trying to.

After a while, we reached Ms. Yamanaka's house. We make our way inside. "I'm tired... I think I'll just go to sleep now" I said, covering my mouth as I yawn. Kei turn to look at me and nod his head.

"Alright... sleep well, Y/N" he said. I smile softly at him and turn around. I make my way towards the room Ms. Yamanaka provided for me. I slide the door close and prepare the futon. I lay down and pull the blanket up to my neck. I place my hands behind my head and stare at the ceiling.

I feel so bad about what Kei did to Nakano. Even though I didn't help in subduing him. I did help in putting him inside that abandoned truck. Hopefully, he won't be too upset with me. He looks like a nice person and I can see myself being good friend with him.

I shake my head and turn to lay on my side. I close my eyes as my eyelids starts to get heavy. My breathing start to her even out as I slowly drift off to sleep.


It's early in the morning when I wake up. I head towards the kitchen and start preparing some food for Nakano. I hope he'll accept this as an apology.

"What are you doing?" I hear Kei asked as he enters the kitchen. I turn to look at him. "What does it looks like? I'm preparing meals for Nakano-Kun..." I said. He raise an eyebrow as he stares at me.

"Why?" He asked. I roll my eyes and glare at him. "You put him in there... the least we can do is look after him!" I said. He rolls his eyes and nods his head, seeing as he has no chance in arguing with me on this one. He walks up to me and stands next to me. He starts helping me preparing the food for the brunette.

I carry the bag as we make our way towards where the abandoned truck is. Kei opens the door to the truck and looks inside. I slowly walk towards him and looks over his shoulder to see Nakano already awake. He's throwing a fuss at what Kei did to him.

"We're sorry, Nakano-Kun. It's just... the two of us are tired of the constant chasing and running around. We just found this place. We don't want to have to be in trouble again" I said. Kei turn to look at me in surprise. I just give him a look so he won't say anything. He owe me a thank you for backing him up.

"So you two are just going to do nothing while Sato is killing people?" He asked. Kei turn to look at him with a cold expression. "Why are you here?" He asked. Nakano seem confused by his question.

"There are a lot of death cases and other things all over the world. So why didn't you go and save them?" He said, in a cold tone. Nakano just stays silent at what he said. I nudge Kei on his rib, making him turn to look at me.

"Step aside... I need to give these to him" I said. He reach over to grab it. "Nope... I will be the one to give it, 'cuz knowing you... you'd probably just dumped it on him" I said. He rolls his eyes, but moves aside anyway.

I try a rope on the bag and gently lower it down. "I made you some food, Nakano-kun. And don't worry... these ones are perfectly safe. I'm sorry for doing this to you. I hope you can forgive us" I said, smiling apologetically at him. Kei grabs my arm and pulls me away before I could say anything else. He closes the truck's door.

"Okay... he have his meals. Now let's just go..." he said. I roll my eyes. But I can't blame Kei. That's just how he is. Always cold and uncaring. I can only hope that he can loosen up a little. Maybe start to show kindness towards other people... even if it's just a little.

*to be continued*

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