Part 5/?

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"Hey! Damn Deku!"

It was Bakugo, shouldering his way through the crowd towards their table, carrying something in his hand. "I think I finally found something you're actually good at."

“R-really, Kacchan? What is it?”

“Being my garbage can!!!!” Bakugo leapt onto the table, pried Deku’s mouth open, and forced the remainder of a pastry down his throat.

“Unfff?!?!-” Deku tensed but choked the food down as it was force-fed to him.

Tabeta watched slack-jawed and tried hard not to let her blush show.

"Tch, as for you." Bakugo growled, turning his fiery gaze on Tabeta. "Damn cat. That squid is stupid, and so are you. Now get the hell outta my way." He clapped his hand on her shoulder and pushed off the table, shoving her into Deku in the process. 

Tabeta clung to him and whipped her head around. "He's an octopus, not a squid! And y...your face is the one that's stupid!"

"What the hell did you just say to me, you extra?!" Bakugo growled, turning to glare at Tabeta while small explosions crackled in his palms.

“I said-“ Tabeta stopped mid sentence when she felt Deku’s hand grab her paw and press it into his stomach. She turned around and looked into his beat red face.

“P-please don’t make him mad, kitty-cat, I can’t do much sparring right now with my stomach so full like this.”

“Y-yeah, your tummy does feel pretty full…” Tabeta immediately began to knead his belly in her orange paw as her pupils grew in feline excitement. She kept the Shoji octopus across both of their laps as her paw flexed across his taut stomach.

“That feels nice…” Deku blushed. “It sure is cute when you knead my tummy like that.”

“it’s just my instincts, I can’t control when this happens…”

“O-oh, are you s-sure?”

“...No, you’re right.”

“Right about what? Th-that you like to rub my belly?”

Tabeta blushed darker and nodded as she rubbed a bit deeper into his taut stomach.

Deku’s eyelids fluttered and his body swayed in his seat as she did so. He groaned suddenly. “Oh wow, I’m really starting to feel it now…”


“Uh Huh, it’s like...all the food is settling in my tummy or something. I’m stuffed!” Deku took in a deep, labored breath before he let out a burp, followed by a sharp hiccup. “Excuse me...hic!…heheh…” He giggled.

“Are you...are you feeling okay, Izuku?”

“You-“ he booped her on the nose. “Can call me - hic! - Deku. I feel fine!”

Tabeta snickered at how silly he sounded. She patted his tummy and playfully shook her head. “Really? Cuz I think you ate too much.”

“Me? Naw, I could probably eat some more… Do you want me to? I ate all of that greasy, fatty carnival food just - hic! - just for you, kitty-cat~ It was yummy.” He rubbed the side of his distended stomach. “You really like watching me pig out, you blushed so much today. You’re so cute!”

Tabeta blushed all over as she purred uncontrollably. "You definitely sound food-drunk…" She giggled when he leaned heavily on her. "Do you want to rest here a while?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2023 ⏰

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