Chapter 7

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A/N: i'm SO sorry i didn't update for 2 days! i was busy and had writer's block.

Mckenna POV: The doctors told me when i go to the bathroom and get lab work i'm able to go home. so i did. the doctor told me to be on bed rest for the next 3 days and i could go back to everything normal, besides gym and if my side hurts then i need to go stay in bed and call her. i said i would. i got discharge papers and got changed, Austin was here with me to take me home. my grandmother has been working allot ever since poppy passed away, she trying to get her mind off of it. she doesn't like coming to the hospital ever since his passing. not to mention i'm in the same room he passed away in. i understand though. it's too much for her to deal with. Anyway, Austin drove me too my house, when he was driving something didn't feel right. all of the sudden i forgot everything, i didn't know who i was, i didn't know where i was, who was i even in the car with? i turned to the boy driving sitting next too me. "who are you and why are you driving me somewhere?" "Mckenna tell me your joking" he said. "who's Mckenna and where are you driving me?!" "your Mckenna and Im Austin, you've know me since we were 2. And i'm driving you home, to your grandmother's house, you live there again, do you remember any of this?" "um yeah. i think?" some of it came back, my dad hitting me, him chasing me onto the highway where i got hit by the car. but i still didn't know this boy who was claiming to know me since we were 2. He's REALLY cute though. I think i'm blushing. oh god. "austin" said "why are you're cheeks red Mckenna?" "umm, i don't know,there's a cute boy driving me home and i don't know you but we've known each other since we were 2 and i just look like shit sitting here in sweatpants a blue shirt and a bun and wow did i really just say that?" Austin laughed and then said "you look beautiful, Mckenna." as we pulled up too a big house. all my memories came back everything that happened at this house i remember. but who was this boy? he got out and opened my door for me. i was about to walk inside when he stopped me, "Wait Mckenna i have too ask you something. " "yes?" i said "do you really think i'm cute? and do you really not remember who i am?" he said with a tear rolling down his cheek, "look Austin. you are adorable and super cute, but i really don't-" he cut me off by kissing me. when we were kissing, i got those butterflies in my stomach an everything came back me. all of our memories of me and him came back. this was amazing. i looked him in his eyes when we stopped kissing and i just hugged him. "Austin, i remember. thank you for always being there for me and helping me. i love you so much" was all i could say. "I love you too Mckenna." when i walked inside he drove off, i sat in the living room almost all day watching cartoons, then i heard a noise. but my grandmothers not home and i was the only one here. someone was breaking in. i quickly hid under the couch, i saw two pairs of black boots walk by, i was so quiet and i could here everything they were saying "we have to find this girl. he was showing the other guy a picture, of me. "maybe she's with her little boyfriend, Austin" "yeah well i'm going to find her. and when i do, that's it. she's gonna wish she never came back here. " the other boy said, i was so confused and i just wanted to cry. i called 911 a while ago and quietly said "help" and hung up, so they couldn't hear me. they heard the cops siren, an they came and kicked the door down, but they ran away too fast. i came out from under the couch and told the cops what happened. Austin was coming by too see me and bring me food when he saw the cops he dropped everything and came too me, the police told him what happened. i was terrified and just cried in his chest. i told him i wasn't going to stay here. he told me to go get clothes and i could go to his house. i did just that, but when i went upstairs, i realized that was the worst thing i could have done. i wasn't alone. Austin was downstairs. when i opened the door i saw a guy and a boy, that guy was my dad, i screamed to the top of my lungs. Austin was ran upstairs, i tried to run away but my "dad" and the boy were holding me so tight i couldn't. the boy was my 'step brother'. what is this about i'm so confused and scared, i couldn't stop crying and screaming. that's when i realized Austin still hadn't come in the door. he couldn't. my "dad" locked it and put stuff in front of it. "YOU CANT KEEP ME HERE YOU ASSHOLES'" was all i could say before feeling that bad pain in my side and i blacked out.

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