IV. Enfin...Seuls

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Edoardo Tofano(1878)___

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Edoardo Tofano

THE darkness that covered his sight slowly blurred and melt becoming light, artificial bulbs above his head, almost blinding him, as his lips parted in surprise, to finally wake up from his profound endless sleep.

He could only move slightly his eyes, trying to become aware of his location, while the soft beeps of a machine continued. The room was clean, neat, and strangely peaceful, different from what he experienced 8 months before. His hand, delicately directed toward his belly, was now bandaged where he previously felt being brutally opened before.

"How do you feel?" A strange voice asked at the corner of the room.

Still lying in the hospital room, feeling his throat closed as he finally spoke for the first time in all those months, Will Graham's voice came out slow and hoarse "Thirsty."

The figure revealed to be a doctor in a white coat, who kindly took a cup next to the patient's bed and helped him drink water through a straw. After drinking, will groaned, letting his head fall back into the bed.

"Someone's here very anxious to see you." The doctor announced,l and before saying anything else, left through the door.

Will could only hear well-paced steps coming closer, until a light blue dressed figure. The background behind them was pure light, almost resembling an angel coming down on earth. Maybe he was dead, he thought.

His thoughts were confirmed to be half true when he could recognize the figure's face. It was indeed an angel.

"...Ali?" He gasped, as his large half-exposed chest moved up and down anxious. "He didn't-"

"The doctors said he knew exactly where to cut you." His friend muttered calmly. "It was surgical." She smiled bitterly. "He wanted for you to live."

"He left me to die." He recalled her. "Abigail. Where is she?" The woman didn't reply, her semblance otherwise... "He left her to die." Will tried to take in the pain of losing that girl again. "What I don't understand is why you're still here."

"Don't you want me here?" She lifted one eyebrow.

"You know I do." He replied right away. "But he doesn't."

She nodded delicately, moving in her soft cloudly blue dress and sitting on the edge of his bed, looking sweetly at him. She seemed so beautiful, so peaceful, it was almost impossible to believe the vision he witness before in that kitchen when Alice became traumatized by her discovery and the attack.

"You're right." She replied. "He was supposed to take me with him, we were supposed to leave together, he made a place for us." She explained as a movie passed through her mind.


"Why did you tell him to go?" She asked him in an accusatory tone. "You planned to let him escape. A serial killer."

¹𝘾𝙃𝙄𝘼𝙍𝙊𝙎𝘾𝙐𝙍𝙊 | Hannibal Lecter✓Where stories live. Discover now