XIII.Plotting Mischief

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Frank Stone(1800-1859)____

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Frank Stone

"I CAN'T believe this girl has never had a hamburguer in her life." Colin Mallory gasped as she looked over at his niece. "But what if she wants to have meat? Have you ever thought about that?"

"Well, she won't have that desire so soon, she likes vegetables and I raised her to do so." Alice said with a smile as she held her daughter in her arms. Alice then noticed the small one to point at one of the ingredients above the table. She chuckled. "Pepper? Are you sure?" Blanche nodded. "Okay."

"So she cooks now." Colin crossed his arms with a smirk. "And you take her advices."

"She is actually very smart, you'd be impressed."

"I know, she got it from me." He bragged and Alice pushed him lightly with her shoulder. He handled him the child and continued cooking.

The kitchen was well iluminated and the atmosphere easy, Alice always managed to keep her house organized enough to be a safe space for her family. But inside her soul...well, she was a bit uneasy.

"Worried?" He asked.

"Kind of." She said.

"Try to distract yourself...like...Well tgink about how good we're doing now. I mean, I've got a job and will graduate soon..."Alice nodded proudly at him. "And you're married to the guy I always wished for you to marry.." They chuckled. "with this little Ratatouille rat."He messed his niece's hair as Blanche yelled at him in disapproval, he loved to annoy her. "I remember when you were about to give birth to her...man, you were a pile of nerves, crying and screaming."

"Don't even remind me. I was so tense."

"But you made it."Colin gave a warm smile. "We all made it."

Alice held her brother's hand, it was good to have him there. She remembered when she got back from Italy, when he met her after all this time apart, he was crying, sobbing actually, apologizing and asking for forgiveness as he hugged her so tight she thought he'd never let her go.

She never really told him what happened in Italy, and wouldn't either. As much as she loved Colin, what she felt for Hannibal would always remain a secret. He thought she got over him, that what she felt towards that monster was brainwashing or something similar, when otherwise, Alice felt deep inside her soul the greatest and most cruel love of all time. And she could never forget it.

But Colin has changed over the years, after the breakup he was devastated at first, but then got over it, became more mature, applied to his students, and did pretty well, even got to be the best in his class. Of course, he made it clear how he knew something was wrong with Hannibal from the start to his sister but didn't insist on the matter, somehow he could feel her sadness, so instead, only offered her support.

¹𝘾𝙃𝙄𝘼𝙍𝙊𝙎𝘾𝙐𝙍𝙊 | Hannibal Lecter✓Where stories live. Discover now