𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 1

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10 years later......

Layla's P.O.V.

Hi there! My name is Willow but my actual name is Layla Luna. I'm 16 years old this year. I hope you don't get confused with the name. Many years ago, my mother, Princess Luna, transferred my soul into a body of a 6-year-old. Think of it like Freaky Friday.

Anyways, a lot has happened in the past decade. So my adoptive parents, Renée and Charlie Swan introduce me to my adoptive sibling, Bella Swan, she's two years older than me which makes her 8 years old.

However, she doesn't like me even though I tried to be nice to her. She always pushes and shoves me around, always play the victim when she's the one at fault, and calls me names.I don't even know why she hated me but one of the possible reasons is that she's attention seeker.She wants my adoptive parents attention 24/7 but sometimes when you have more than 1 child,you have to understand that parents must divide their attention.But I think only Renee pay attention to Bella,to me she didn't think of me of much.

I accidentally heard her talking about adopting me is because of child support money.She only wants more money.I'm not hurt or anything but it's normal that this kind of people exists.It's the sad and cold truth that people only want money in the end.Well I think it's safe to say that Bella and Renee are like mother and daughter.

Most of the times,whenever Bella did something wrong and puts me at fault,Renee always take her side and say I deserved it.Charlie always took my side as he would see the situation and state who's was at fault.He's very rational and never jump at any conclusions.That's why I felt a fatherly bond or connection with him.

After how many times I tried to get along with Bella but she would take all of my efforts to the drain.I stopped being nice to her after that,as my mother once said " Don't waste time on people who doesn't deserve your kindness." I did exactly that.

Two years later,Charlie and Renée divorced.She took Bella with her and leave Forks while I stayed with Charlie or whom I soon called papa.He helped me in every way and always supportive of me and in return,I helped him to forget about Renee as she isn't good for him.

I was so comfortable with him that I accidentally called him papa.He cried so hard that day because Bella doesn't even hang out with papa much.They don't have a close bond like me and papa have.

Later on,he found out that Bella wasn't his daughter.She doesn't look like him and he remembered that he didn't even have sex with Renee.Turns out Renée cheated on him with his best friend,Waylon and pretended that baby was Charlie's.You should have seen how angry he was with his life long friend but I told him that he shouldn't dwell on the past and lucky that he had divorce her.Papa then smile as he always said that I know how to cure people with positivity.

Oh,on top of that,papa found about my true identity.I was scared shitless on how he found out,I was careful of using my powers.He told me that the Swan family comes from a long line of witches and warlocks.He sensed some unknown power from me and kind of read my mind a bit.

Eventually,I told him that I was from another universe,my real home,but my mother transferred me into a different universe where my soulmates are.I told him about Queen Chrysalis and changelings.Safe to say he was speechless as he never heard of them before but he made a promise that he would always protect me from any danger.Isn't he the best papa I ever had?

Papa have found some spells to hide me from Queen Chrysalis from papa's old spell book. I was amazed as he had a spell book even though I have learned most of it, there's still some I have not discovered yet. It's so exciting that papa teach me new spells everyday and teach me some combat skills that he had learned from his time in the Police Academy.

When I'm 10,papa revealed that we're not the only supernaturals living in Forks.Apparently there are Vampires and werewolves,well not really werewolves but wolf-shifters.I'm not shocked that there are vampires or werewolves as my mom taught me every supernatural in different universe.

There is only one vampire family or coven,as they like to call it,they are the Cullens.There are 7 of them;Carlisle and Esme,the parents,Jasper,Alice,Rosalie,Emmett and last but not least Edward or Edweirdo.I'm not close them except for Rosalie and Emmett.I had a mental shield up whenever he's near me.

Anyway,Papa introduce me to his best friend,Billy Black,who lives in the La Push. Poor Billy,he lost his wife in a car accident. He's very nice and he had 3 children named Rachel,Rebecca and Jacob-the youngest.Rachel and Rebecca are twins are older by 5 years which makes them 15.

That's how Rebecca and Rachel became my best friends.Jacob not so much as he was always whining that Bella is better friend than me.However,when I was 12,Rachel and Rebecca moved out of Forks as they can't handle the loss of their mother and I understand as I too have a similar situation.

I also made friends with some of Jacob's friends,Quil,Embry,Paul and Jared.We always play around in Jacob's backyard after school.Jacob sometimes play with us but he excluded me in the activities they do.The boys stood up for me saying that I have the right to play with them.He kept quiet like a good kid should.

In summary,I have no good relationship with Bella,Renee and Jacob.I have a wonderful and memorable childhood with my newfound friends and family even though some were bound to join the supernatural world soon.

Back to present time,long story short,Bella decided to moved in with us last year,which I don't understand since she hates the weather here and she doesn't even visit papa much.Soon,she had vampire boyfriend,named Edweirdo Cullen.Yeah,I dislike the Cullens except for Rosalie, Emmett and Jasper.They were fun to hang out with.I trust them with my secret and placed a spell on them so that Edweirdo can't read their thoughts.

Now,I'm going to school as 1 week left before I graduate High school. I was offered scholarships by many college and universities at the age of 14 due to my high IQ .From what I heard from Papa,Bella has to repeat school as she was caught sleeping with teachers back at her old school and cheating on tests. To say,I wasn't shocked as she did something like that.

I agreed to take some online courses part time because I don't want to leave Papa.He will be miserable without me and I too will be miserable without him. We are like 2 peas in a pod.

I had a feeling something is going to happen today and I'm going to be extra vigilant.I hope nothing bad happens today.........or so i thought.

PHEEWWW!!! 1 chapter down,many to go.Damn this one is a little tricky to do but I managed it.I hope you like this chapter.This is more like a background information but i want it to be chapter.If u have any questions,you can ask me in the comments.

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