𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 2

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Willow's P.O.V. (We will stick with this name until people know what is her real name.)

Outfit ⬇️⬇️:

Outfit ⬇️⬇️:

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It's 6 a.m. and I'm getting ready for school.Oh i forget to tell you,today is bella's birthday.Yay!.Note the sarcasm.Uuggh she's really going to soak up all the attention on her despite hating to grow older.I have no problem with getting older.

I walked out of my room and desceneded downstairs to find papa and bella eating breakfast.

"Morning Papa!! And Bella." I greeted them but with reluctance to Bella.She in response rolled her eyes and contined eating while Papa waved at me.

"Morning sweetheart.I cook for you mushroom omelette,baked beans and some hasbrowns." He said.Yes,he can cook,I taught him to make some simple foods.

"Thanks papa." I sit down beside him and took a bite of the omelette. "Wow,papa.It's so good and you're imrpoving a lot."

He blushed furiously while rubbing the back of his neck. "Really?" I nodded my head at him as I take another bite of my food.

"Well,I had a great teacher." I smiled at him.

"Seriously? The food is just decent.It had no taste at all." Bella harshly stated.I glared at her for being rude to papa.I was about to say somethng but papa interrupted me.

"If you don't like it might as well starve cause I won't be cooking for you anymore if you're continue being rude to my daughter." He defend me.Papa is going to tell her truth today about Bella is not his biological daughter.

"Wait what?! I'm your daughter too.She's adopted.She doen't belong with us!!" She pointed at me.Charlie sighed at her.

"Bella,the truth is you're not biological daughter.I found out that while me and Renee are together,she cheated on me with one of my best friends,Waylon.She became pregnant with you.I don't vaguely remember that I had sex with Renee not even once.How I was a fool to believe that she's pregnant with my child." He explained.Bella was shocked and speechless.

I patted his back to know it's not his fault he believe that whore.Papa continued "It kind of makes sense,you don't look like me.You didn't even spend time with me for every visit.You always complained the weather and such.I don't even know why you moved here in the first place."

"WHAT???!! NO!! That's not possible.Mum would've have told me." She shook her head in disbelief.

"Well,I think she doesn't want anyone to find out." He said.I looked at my watch and it' 6;45 am.

"Oh,papa.We've got to go.School starting soon.I love you papa." I hugged and kissed him on the cheek.

I grabbed my black slingbag and ran out of the house to my jeep.I bought it with my own money that I have earned from working with Papa at the station and my savings.

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