Episode 2: A New Life

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"You're late, (y/n)," grumbled Watto.

"There was a sand storm," you explained dryly, immediately grabbing a droid.

Watto muttered something to himself as he buzzed away, but you didn't care to listen. You blocked him out most days. You were just glad he was going to let you work inside the shop today instead of the blazing heat.

After a few hours of screwing bolts and hammering nails, you decided to take a break. Watto wasn't looking after all...

Taking a step out back, you levitated a cup of water to your hand. You mostly used your powers around the shop when Watto wasn't breathing down your neck, which wasn't often.

"You have the Force..." Shmi had told you once. "You should be training with the Jedi."

You couldn't help but scoff into your cup of water at the thought. You, a Jedi. Yeah right. Your purpose was to rot in here with Watto. That much you knew.

When you had realized your cup was empty, you heard a commotion out front. Nothing new, however the name of a certain someone had caught your attention.

"Ani, it is you!"

The name trembled like thunder in your ears, sending a jolt of lightning down your spine.

You peeked around the corner as Watto let out a wheezed laugh, remaining out of sight.

"A Jedi! What do you know, eh!"

No...could it really be...?

Your eyes trailed to the cloaked man in front of him, taking in the sight. So that was him. His features were soft with a certain sharpness around his cheeks and jaw, his deep blue eyes holding defiance within them. You were half filled with fascination and curiosity, barely noticing the older gentleman standing beside him, who was stroking the beard along his chin.

Anakin glared down at Watto, who was going on about some bandits he wanted the Jedi to take care of.

You rolled your eyes.

"My mother," Anakin sternly reminded him.

"Oh yeah...Shmi..." he scratched the back of his neck, drawing out a long silence.

"Watto sold her." You finally blurted out, emerging from you hiding place.

The group looked towards you, each face bearing a different expression. You only noticed Watto's, whose mouth twisted into a frown.

"You stay out of this (y/n), you good for nothing girl!" He yelled, furiously waving the remote at you. He zipped towards you, trying to rush you inside, but instead you tripped. When you fell, your necklace was revealed.

You looked in fear at Watto, but Anakin's eyes were glued to your necklace.

As Watto was bantering slurs at you, the young Jedi drew closer, thankfully shutting up Watto.

"That necklace, where'd you get it."

At that moment you stared into his pools of blue. They searched your own, pleading with you, your gaze relaxing.

"It was Shmi's. She gave it to me before Watto sold her...I can show you how to find her."

Watto scowled down at you, baring his rotten teeth. Shmi had told you how to find her before she left. How she knew where she was going and who she was with, you never found out.

Anakin whipped back to look towards the older Jedi, "Master, we need to take her."

His master approached him using a cautious tone, "Now Anakin, let's not be hasty. These are things we must negotiate."

"Your master is right Ani...there's a price for everything." Watto chuckled deeply.

Anakin glared daggers at the slug before his master set a calming hand on his shoulder, "I'll handle this Anakin. Just give me a moment."

the young Jedi exhaled deeply, and instead turned to you, offering you a hand to help you up, but it felt like much more than that. Could this be an invitation to a new life..?

You reluctantly took his outstretched hand and he hoisted you up.

"(Y/n), right?"

"Yeah, thanks," you smiled, to which he returned it. His grip was firm yet strangely gentle. It certainly wasn't how Watto would grab you, this was different. You felt safe in his grasp somehow.

You both sat in silence waiting for Watto and Obi-Wan to finish negotiating. Although there was so much happening, it seemed neither of you were entirely sure of what to say to each other.

Without thinking, you used the Force to drag a stick around the sand, drawing mindless squiggles.

Anakin's eyes widened at the sight, "You can use the Force?"

You shot your hand close your chest with a sharp inhale, effectively dropping the stick.

"No, no...it's okay...I can use it too," he comforted.

Your body relaxed, "Sorry. I'm just used to Watto punishing me for it. I try to hide it from him but he's caught me a few times." You said with a light laugh.

Anakin smiled and there was a small pause between you two.

"...and by the way," you continued, "I know you can use it too."

His brow lifted.

"Shmi told me..."

He licked his lips and fixated on the ground once more.

"I know you're worried Anakin...your mother was truly a great woman and she never lost hope..."

His eyes never left the sand between his feet, however.

"Alright, it's done," announced Obi-Wan

Both your heads darted towards him.

"(Y/n) is coming with us. You don't have to worry about Watto ever again."

Your hand touched the back of your head, "B-but what about-"

He chucked the small remote towards you, to which Anakin returned to his masters side, "now please...I'd like to find my mother."

A Better Tomorrow Anakin Skywalker x Reader ON HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now