Chapter 1

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Ezra's POV)
My parents have been fighting for such a long time I forgot what silence sounds like.
"FINE! I'LL LEAVE! GOODBYE!" My mom yelled back, grabbing her bags and walking out of the front door. I can't believe it. My mom really just left us. I guess she didn't care enough to be my mother.
It's been a few days since my parents broke up.
I just found out only a few hours ago that we would be moving to New york. We are staying at one of my dad's friends' houses. Her name is Nat, She has a husband named Bucky, and they have a daughter named Rosalie. It's been silent the past few days, dad pulled me out of school, and enrolled me into a school for science called Midtown High in Queens New York. Today was my first day going. My dad drove me and Rosalie. I followed her to the office, to get my locker number and my schedule. My locker number was 356, which was ironically next to hers. As she was showing me my locker then we went to homeroom.
"Miss. Romanoff-Barnes. You're late." The teacher, whose name was Ms.Warren, I believe said.
"Yes, I know ma'am. I was helping the new student." She responded.
"Right. There was a new student today." Ms.Warren mumbled.
"Have a seat then Ms.Romanoff-Barnes." Ms.Warren said. Then she turned to me.
"And you are?" She asked me.
"Ezra Barton. New student." I say.
"hm..Okay, you can have a seat where no one is sitting." She tells me, and I nod. I see that no one is sitting next to rosalie so I go and sit next to her in the back corner.
"Ms.Barton, do you know the answer to this question?" Ms.Warren asked. I looked at the board, and the question asked, 'Can light bend around corners?'
"Yes I know the answer." I responded.
"What is the answer to the question?" she asks.
"Yes, light can bend around corners. In fact, light always bends around corners to some extent. This is a basic property of light and all other waves. The amount of light that bends around a corner depends on the exact situation." I responded. Rosalie looked at me with shock written all over her face.
"How'd you know that?" She whispered to me.
"At my old school, I was the star student. My parents always fought so I would learn things to keep myself busy." I whisper back.
"Do you think you could help me with my math homework? I didn't do it last night." She asked.
"Sure." I whisper back to her. She hands it to me. I grab a pencil, and start working on her homework, which didn't take me long so it was something I learned to do when I was 8. When I was done, I handed it back to her, I put my pencil away and she put her homework away. The bell rang. Everyone got up and rushed out of the classroom. I walked with rosalie out of the classroom. We walked to our lockers and put away our physics stuff.
"Why exactly are you and your dad staying at our house?" She asked me.
"We just moved from Virginia, but it's just until he gets an apartment." I say.
"Oh okay, thanks for the help." She says.
"You're welcome. I can give you an easier way to learn it after school." I say. We grab our stuff for the next class.
"I'd appreciate that. Thanks Ezra." She says. We start walking to class. Weirdly enough, we had all of our classes together,except math.  As we were walking to class, some boy stopped us.
"Hey Rosalie, and...?" A brown haired boy said.
"Ezra." I say.
"I'm Peter." He said, putting his hand out for me to shake.
I shook his hand.
"So Ezra, what brings you here to New York?"?" He asks.
"My parents fought a lot, and My mom left recently." I say.
"Oh, I'm sorry that they fought." He says.
"Ehh. It's fine. My mom left since she didn't want to be part of my life, but y'know life is life." I say.
"Well, what class do you have next?" He asked me.
"Math. Mrs.Kay is the teacher." I responded.
"Oh same." He says.
"I'll see you in history, Ezra." Rosalie says, walking away. I nod and I walk with Peter to math class, he tells me more about himself. Once we got to the class, Peter walked to his seat.
"How can I help you?" The teacher, Mrs.Kay asks.
"I'm a new student." I say, "My name is Ezra Barton."
"Have a seat in front of Flash, next to Peter." She tells me, and Flash raises his hand.
I nod, and walk to that seat. I sat down.
"Did everyone finish the homework?" She asks, everyone else. They all pull out their homework. She walks around and checks the homework. Once she gets to where Peter and I are sitting, she checks off Peter's work and she tells me, "I'll give you the homework at the end of class."
"I taught myself this when I was 8, so I don't really see the need to." I say.
"So if I were to give it to you right now, Would you be able to complete it before class is over?" She asks.
"Yes. I helped my friend earlier during physics." I say. She walks to where she keeps her extra papers and grabs yesterday's homework and hands it to me. I grab out a pencil and complete it in a matter of a few minutes. I handed it back to her.
"Almost all of these are correct." She says. I smile and set the pencil back down. She goes back to the front and grabs the notes for today and passes them out.
"You're a smart one, no wonder you're in a class with Sophomores." Mrs. Kay Stated, placing my work on her desk, "I feel like Peter will have competition."
"Yeah, it won't be much of a competition." I muttered, looking at Peter, who smiled at me.
I was proven wrong when Peter was much faster, but efficiently finished all his work before me, and did extra credit stuff. He got everything right, while I missed one question. Stupid Advanced Algebra. At least I have lunch soon, I have no clue what dad packed though. As the bell rang I checked my schedule. History, I had that class with Rosalie.
"Hey, Peter, can you help me find my History class?" I asked him, showing him the room number.
"Sure, follow me." He said, leading me down the hallway. We finally stopped at an almost empty classroom.
"I wonder why it's so empty." Peter said, looking in.
The minute bell then rang, making Peter jump.
"You better get to class, I'll wait here for Rosalie." I told Peter, waving.
"Ok, see you at lunch!" He said, running down the hallway.
A couple seconds later, I saw Rosalie booking it down the hallway.
"Rosalie!" I shouted, waving to her.
She finally stopped running, breathing extremely heavily.
"I... Think... Today... We are... Supposed... To have.. Oh my god... I'm out... of breath..." She stuttered, gulping in air.
"Why's the classroom empty?" I asked, laughing.
"Most of the students come from the 9th grade center, we are lucky enough to have our classes close to here." Rosalie told me, grabbing my hand and pulling me into the classroom.
"Uhh, my seat is the one in the back corner, the one next to me is empty." She added, dragging me to the back, and sitting down. I sat down in the seat next to her.
"Sorry I'm late to class... Why is there barely anyone here?" A teacher asked, looking around the classroom.
"No Clue." A student replied, looking back down at a book he was reading.
"Sorry I'm late, I have arrived!" A brown haired boy said as he walked into the classroom.
"That's wade. He's one of Peter's best friends, who has a very visible crush on him, but Peter has a girlfriend." Rosalie told me.
"Ok." I said examining Wade, who wore a Black and Red Hoodie with a Black Circle with two rounded triangles in it.
He was also wearing a black skirt, With Red leggings, a pair of converse and a Hello Kitty backpack.
"Heyy Rosalie!" He said Skipping over to us, and sitting down in the seat in front of Rosalie, crossing his legs.
"Who's this present?" He asked, looking at me, and smiling.
"This 'Present' is named Ezra." I said, air quoting 'Present'
"Oooh How delightful!" He exclaimed, clapping his hands.
"Don't worry, he's like that with all new people." Rosalie whispered to me, giggling a little.
"Writers! I think you forgot about the fact that we are in class!" Wade said, looking into thin air.

Oh yeah. Thanks Wade.

"Ok class, today because literally no one is here, just have a study hall." The sub said, sitting down at the desk.
"Ok girls, how about we play? Would you rather?" Wade said, turning around in his desk to face us.
"Sure." me and Rosalie said in agreement.
"This class is pretty boring anyway." Rosalie added.
"Probably." I agreed, turning towards her and Wade.
Today has been good, especially for the first day.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2023 ⏰

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