Chapter 26: the wore part of tour (Cierra p.ov)

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the shows are all over and now its time to load the buses and leave. i hate this part case i have to leave Zacky for two munthe then we meet back for the last munthe of the tour . he taking Cheer and Zoey and Winnie. i'm taking  Charlotte and Chris and Andy and James. the kids are on the bus and its time me ot go on my bus and Zacky to go his bus.

"hey baby its ok" Zacky said putting his hands on my wrist. "we'll see each other in a few months baby" he kissed my cheek.

"i know but i miss you" i said and looked down at my belly i'm starting to get a bump i'm only two months pregnant. "we are gonna miss you baby" i said and he kissed me.

"i know" he said and get know on one knee "hey baby daddy here, take care of you mother for me, i have to go play guitar for some fan's i'll be back soon" he lift up my shirt and kissed my belly.

"i love you Zacky" i kissed him

"i love you too Cierra, now take good care of our baby and play some good shows" he said "come on that's get to you bus" he wrapped his arm around my wrist and we started walking to my bus. a few tears formed in my eyes i hate it when we have to go separate ways. we got to my bus

"baby don't Cierra we see each other again baby" he warped my eyes and kissed my lips.

"yeah" i said and hugged him

"i'll call you" he kissed my lips again

"i'll be waiting" i said and gave him one last kiss before walking up the bus steps and i open the door step in and turn around to watch he leave. everyone called roll call and we started the kids and my best friend started up talking and having fun.

when it hit 10 o'clock i made then go to bed and Zacky called me.

"hey baby" he said

"hey baby what going on" i said

"nothing just laying in my bunk thinking about my wife " he said

"oh really"i asked "what are you thinking about"

"oh just what i want to do with her" he said "i love you""i love you too" i said

a few hours later

"baby it's late" Zacky said. we still talking on the phone

"i know" i said

"look babe i'll take to you as soon as i get up ok" he said

"ok i love you" i said

"i love you too goodnight baby" he said

"i love you too goodnight baby" i said

we ended the calland i fall asleep


I hope you guys like it

I'm gonna do a Zacky p.o.v tomorrow it's almost nine and I have to go to bed

but I will get Zacky p.ov to you as soon as I can

i'll only got two more weeks of school yayay!!!

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