Spirit Brother

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I was collecting seashells with Tuk when we both headed a big horn being blown. Everyone instantly started to run into the water with their Ilus.

"What was that?" Tuk asked looking around towards the ocean. "I don't know" I replied

"The Tulkan have returned" Tsireya yelled "Everyone out, Brothers and sisters have returned"

My parents rush off leaving us to go and see the tulkan. Tsireya then runs up to our pod and drags Lo'ak to see her spirit sister.

"Forest girl!" I heard someone shout my name, I stood up from my sitting position and saw aonung waving me over. I walked over to see he was ilu already.

"What do you want, fish lips?" I asked him "Well, I want you to meet my spirit brother? Duh" he laughed, I rolled my eyes and got on the ilu, holding on tightly.

He looks back and me making sure I was safely on, giving me a hint the ilu was going to go fast to catch up with his Spirit brother. I nodded with a smiled, he returned it before letting the ilu know to swim to the Tulkan.

As we went through the water, we saw people connecting with their animal siblings, I smiled at the reunion.

Aonung patted my thigh telling me to look "Look, that one there, that's my spirit brother" He looked so happy once he spotted his brother.

We resurfaced which allowed me to catch air, we see his brother splashing around happily.

"Woah, yeah, I'm happy to see you too buddy" aonung laughed at the Tulkan splashing around basically causing a tsunami.

After finally reaching the Tulkan, aonung gave the Tulkan a hug, I smiled at it.

"Akio, meet Aimee, Aimee meet Aiko"

"Hi nice to meet you" the most simple Na'vi gesture

"Aimee is my mate, a mate I love" He signed, I didn't know that much Na'vi gestures so I was confused on what he was saying.

"Finally aonung, You better treat her right" The Tulkan spoke yet which again I didn't know.

"I promise, I will brother" Aonung smiled, I finally left the boys too it, so they could catch up not knowing how long it's been since they haven't seen each other. It makes me smile how aonung was laughing about with his spirit brother.

"Hey forest girl, come on, wanna ride on Akio with me?" He asked, I laughed and gently got on Akio with aonung on the front. I wrapped my arms tightly around aonung's waist. The moment aonung told Akio to go faster. It was fast.

We all swam around, doing flips in the water and then slow to fast, Akio trying to make us fall of playfully.

Before we resurfaced. Akio gently placed us down. Aonung walked up to him and gave him a last hug "I'll see you again soon, I promise" and with that, the Tulkan swam off.

I turn to aonung with a smile "Well, that was fun" I giggled, he laughed a bit before kissing my temple while wrapping an arm around my shoulder "He definitely wants to see you again" he answered back making me smile.

I saw my father outside our pod glaring at the both of you, making aonung remove his arm and stand beside you, not into you.

"We need to talk, kid" He told me sternly, I nodded. Aonung placed a hand on my shoulder before walking off into his pod.

Once both of us walked in, Dad quickly turned to me "Ronal and Tonowari told me" he started, I gave him a confused look.

"What are you talking about, dad?" I asked tilting my head to the side, he looked around for mum or any siblings before leaning in close to me.

"I know that you and aonung mated" my eyes widened in shock before I looked at the ground "I'm sorry" I whispered.

"Hey, hey, don't be sorry, but you just need to know you and aonung have done a big thing here. With these sky people, you could risk you and Aonung's life" he informed with his hands on my shoulder.

My heart stopped as I felt a pit in my stomach, Aonung's life could be on the line when they find out how much he means to me.

"Why did you do it?" He asked me, he pulled me over to a bed before pulling me into a comforting hug. I didn't want to lie. I no reason to lie.

"Because his parents said if he didn't find a mate a couple of days ago, they were going to force him to mate with a girl he didn't like" I explained, he nodded in understanding.

"That sounds a bit like me and your mothers situation" He laughed a bit, I smiled at his reaction "why?" I asked.

"Because your mother was forced to mate with someone who was I love with your auntie before she died, then I came along and me and your mother fell in love and mated" he explained, I was so confused about the tiny story.

"Mum was forced to mate with uncle Tsu'tey?" I asked shocked, he nodded

"Let's just keep this a secret from your mother and brothers, hm?" He asked, I nodded in agreement

My brothers would kill him, my mother would skin his parents. Welp.

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 ~ 𝐀𝐎𝐍𝐔𝐍𝐆 𝐱 𝐎𝐂 Where stories live. Discover now