Where are you?

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Dad had to convince my mum not to announce me dead, so I was lying in the medical room for weeks, My parents begged Ronal not to announce me dead and begged her to keep trying

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Dad had to convince my mum not to announce me dead, so I was lying in the medical room for weeks, My parents begged Ronal not to announce me dead and begged her to keep trying.

Jake and his wife, since the day of Aimee's death, they hadn't taken the news lightly, they were told by Ronal that if their eldest daughter survived, she'd be very surprised.

They weren't able to sleep, thinking about the night of the little girls death, no one could sleep especially Neteyam, he kept thinking it was his fault that he let you take that gun.

Now it was time for bed and the mates couple tried to sleep since it was ages that they had got a good night sleep.

They woke up back at their home, their clan

"What happened?" Jake asked his wife, she shrugged then looked around before spotting their eldest daughter as a kid on the stepping stones.

"Mama, papa, hey" the young girl giggled waving at her parents, the two were shocked as they saw their daughter.

They blinked and saw there present daughter replacing the young one, the two had tears in their eyes.

Aimee looked concerned at her parents "what's wrong?" She asked worried while looking back and forth at the 2.

Jake came up and placed a hand on his daughter's cheek "were just happy to see you, Me-Me" he smiled through his tears.

The teenager laughed as she placed a hand over her dad's hand "oh, I'm happy to see you too" she giggled looking at her dad in the eyes, her mother just stood there and smiled.

"I did this for Neteyam" the girl mumbled which confused the mated couple.

"What are you taking about Aimee" her mother asked softly while bending down.

The teenager laughed "I'm not dead silly, I'm just recovering, I'll be up soon" she informed which shocked her parents, they smiled at the thought of their daughter alive.

"I had to take that gun off Neteyam or it would've been him who died" she giggled. She stopped when the two just stood their.

"What are you two standing there for? Go on, I'll be up soon. I'm expecting loads of hugs" she laughed, then Jake and Neytiri woke up.

Then it was the two brothers turn.

They woke up in their home, they both were confused.

Until they appeared in their home.

"What's happening?" Neteyam asked Lo'ak who shrugged.

They both saw a baby Lo'ak and baby Kiri fighting while baby Aimee and their father reading a book about pandora.

"I hate you!" Baby Lo'ak shouted to Kiri who was trying to snatch something out of her hand. Jake looked at the two, with a concerned look.

"I hate you times infinity Lo'ak!" Kiri yelled back "penis face!"

"Hey!" Dad yelled

Lo'ak let out the most girliest scream ever.

"Hey!" Dad yelled again "that's enough"

Baby Aimee couldnt stop herself from laughing.

Then the 2 boys woke up.

Then it was Aonung.

"Shut up fishlips"

"You are stupid boy! You are like every other boy!"

"I love you"

"I'm so scared"

"I don't wanna die"

"You...you lied"

"Wow, what a way to make someone feel shitty about how they look!"

"I wanna go home"

"I'll be fine"

"Let me do this, Aonung"

"I promise I'll always be here, nothing could ever separate us"

"I don't wanna see you with someone else"

"Haha, you choked on water"

"See! Demon blood"

"Love you fishlips"

"Come near my siblings or me again And I'll come at you with my mums bow and arrow, you read me?"

"My name is Ai'mee"

"I can't breathe"

"He's my brother, Id do anything to protect my family, I'll do anything to protect you"

"I love you so much, fishlips"

"You almost got my baby brother killed! Killed! Do you not understand that?!"

"Saving your ass"

"Maybe eywa bless you and your family"

"I'll love you forever, Aonung"


𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 ~ 𝐀𝐎𝐍𝐔𝐍𝐆 𝐱 𝐎𝐂 Where stories live. Discover now