Chapter 11

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Ki-tae stands in the middle of a tea-candle heart, surrounded by heart-shaped balloons and holding a bouquet of roses. He smiles shyly and excitedly, as we see a woman's feet walk down a tea-candle pathway towards him.

Back in the present, Ki-tae and Jang-mi have been on their knees for quite some time in front of Grandma, who upbraids them for lying about being engaged. They each try to cover for the other but Grandma isn't in the mood to let them off the hook.

Jang-mi tries to explain that she understands how Ki-tae feels about wanting to be alone, after experiencing his family. Grandma yells at her for meddling in someone else's family, but Ki-tae defends Jang-mi, saying that she thinks of others before herself and that he used that to his benefit.

Jang-mi insists that she used him too, because her parents were so happy after meeting him and their relationship improved. Awww, seeing them sticking up for each other is sweet. They even argue over who has to tell his mother and face her wrath, and Grandma just rolls her eyes and grins. Grandma always knows. She makes some cryptic remarks about them not being ready to come clean, and that it can wait. She instructs them to do well and sails out, but neither of them has any idea what she's talking about.

Hoon-dong picks up Hyun-hee with his mother in tow, and they stop at a restaurant where his mom says Hyun-hee is pregnant and her parents are gone so someone should take care of her. But when they get inside, Hyun-hee jumps like a cat when she sees one of the waitresses, and tries to use her morning sickness to get herself out of there.

She's not fast enough, and the waitress sees her, hollering for everyone to hear that her daughter is here. Oh no. Hoon-dong's mom asks if her parents are already back from their cruise, and when Hyun-hee's mother clearly has no idea what she's talking about, Hoon-dong's mom leaves without a word.

Hoon-dong and Hyun-hee follow her and Hyun-hee apologizes, explaining that she thought Hoon-dong's mom would be ashamed of her parentage. His mom says that she's not disappointed that Hyun-hee's mother is a waitress...she's disappointed that Hyun-hee is ashamed of her mother. That's...surprisingly awesome of her.

Ki-tae and Jang-mi sit in awkward silence at his place, unsure what to say now that it all seems to be over. Ki-tae grumbles that he still has to see her because Yeo-reum is still living with him. Yeo-reum shows up and offers to make dinner at home for the three of them, since he needs to talk to Ki-tae.

Jang-mi trails after Yeo-reum in the kitchen, offering to help, while Ki-tae trails after her, grouching and getting in the way. Ki-tae says he can cook too, and Yeo-reum proposes a cooking contest to see who can make the better pasta dish out of ramyun. Loser grants the winner a wish.

Yeo-reum definitely knows his way around a kitchen, but Ki-tae is a hot mess. That or he's brilliant, because Jang-mi steps in to help him, and he takes full advantage of the excuse to get close to her while Yeo-reum glares at them.

Jang-mi judges Yeo-reum's pasta to be delicious, but hesitates to even eat Ki-tae's, which is just a huge congealed lump. She finally tastes it but apparently her mother taught her that if she can't say something nice, don't say anything, and she simply declares Yeo-reum the winner. Ki-tae immediately demands best two out of three, and this time wants a man-to-man contest that doesn't involve Jang-mi as a judge.

Cut to: Jang-mi lining up a loooong line of beer shots, HAHA. The guys play mook-jji-bba, a rock-paper-scissors game with tougher rules, and proceed to get staggering drunk. Eventually Jang-mi offers to be Ki-tae's "black rose" (the woman's version of the black knight, where she drinks in place of the man) and Ki-tae gets all giggly about her name, which means rose. Yeo-reum wins again and tries to claim his wish, but Ki-tae now insists on best three out of five, at least until he passes out gracefully. Hee.

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