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VIOLET WAS GOING INSANE. Not being able to train was torture for her. It was her hobby, her livelihood, her entire life. She genuinely had nothing else to do. Though she was a trained assassin, and could sneak her way into almost anywhere with ease, Natasha was also a trained assassin and knew all of Violet's tricks, helping in administering her constant watch. The older Avengers knew better than to leave her unsupervised knowing she would risk her recovery and train anyways. She would kill to be able to train again, and admittedly, she was beginning to be tempted to. Not literally, of course, but the idea may have crossed her mind.

She didn't know what to do with herself, which was why it was a godsend when she found out that the Avengers were moving. They were moving to a huge compound upstate, and Violet was keen for a change of scenery. 

Before she knew it, her entire life was in boxes and being carried out by SHIELD agents. She would've offered to take her own things, but her arm was in a sling and she didn't feel like embarrassing or hurting herself by attempting to carry heavy cardboard boxes. She finished the last box, which was filled with mostly photo frames and candles and the few stuffed animals she had, including the little teddy bear with the purple cape she had received as a 'Get Well Soon' gift from an unknown sender. She made a mental note to ask around and find out who had given it to her so she could thank them.

However, while all of the SHIELD agents were distracted with packing, Violet knew it was the perfect opportunity to sneak in a couple hours of training, which she missed dearly over the past two weeks. 

She got some workout clothes from her overnight bag of things she was going to need between the tower and moving to the compound, changing into some black athletic shorts and a red long sleeve gym shirt, putting a grey hoodie on over the top so the other Avengers wouldn't be suspicious of why she was wearing workout clothes when she can't workout.

She took her left arm out of the sling it had been resting in since she had woken up from her coma, figuring that since she couldn't feel any pain, the break would've finished healing by now and the sling was just given to her by Bruce as a precautionary and as a tiny makeshift arm prison that prevented her from doing anything training related. She did the same with her moon boot, taking it off and hiding it in her bag in case any of the Avengers came looking for her. Though she was extremely smart in many aspects such as combat, history, mind games and battle strategy, common sense was often one of her weak points when it came to everyday life. 

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