The strange guy..

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Katie's pov:

I finally finished my shift at the café after what felt like an eternity of waiting on tables. This one couple who both had dark brown hair and gorgeous blue eyes actually spat on me. It was such a busy day! Its pitch black outside when I lock the doors of the café. I start the short walk over to my car in the freezing cold weather. I feel like I'm Turing into an iceberg. I struggle trying to get my keys out my pockets due to the numbness of my hands. When I eventually unlocked the door I swung it open and swiftly got inside. The car actually felt colder than outside and I don't even have a coat on me. All I have is the grey jacket my mum bought me before she died from cancer.

She died last year, it wasn't very easy on me. My dad started drinking a lot and he'd used to throw his empty vodka bottles at me after he'd finished with them if he wasn't in a good mood. It wasn't until he started doing drugs that I finally called someone for help. My dad didn't get arrested but I wasn't allowed to stay with him meaning I had to couch surf at some mates houses. When my dad started reaching out to me again everyone of my friends and their parents kept telling me the best thing I could do was get as far away as possible from him, no matter what it takes. They all pulled together and gave me some money to get me started with my new life, they told me to get a job immediately and make something of myself. So that's what I did. I had to get away, they knew it, I knew it. If I wanted to be safe I had to leave. That's when I decided to move here, to beacon hills. I've been here for a month now trying to earn as much money as I can. I haven't started school yet but I'm starting tomorrow. Currently I actually live in some shitty cheap apartment. The water in the shower is always cold and it only stays on for 20 minutes. The toilet only flushes once an hour and don't even get me started on the bed. That thing literally has springs popping out of of it it's disgusting and uncomfortable.

I put the key in the ignition and turned it. My car didn't start up however. "This is the reason why you don't buy crappy cheap cars, they never last long and always need repairs." I said to myself under breath. I angrily got out the car and slammed the door shut locking it after me. "Fucking stupid thing." I kicked the front wheel angrily. I checked the time on my cracked, broken phone. It used to be my mums before she got a better one. It was 11:00 pm now. My apartment was only a 10 minute walk so it wouldn't take me too long to get back.

I got halfway home before I got the sudden feeling that someone was watching me. I put the flashlight on my phone on and looked around. It was raining now so it was hard to see much, the flashlight just made everything foggy and with the rain in my eyes it was already hard to see. I was dripping with water like some sort of wet dog. When I couldn't see anything i continued my journey with more speed and a heart that was pumping a million miles an hour.
That's when I saw a shadow looking thing on the side of the wall when I turned into a dodgy alley way.

"Okay who's there? This isn't funny you know? I'm only 17 I have my whole life ahead of me!" I shouted hoping the strange person would stop playing games. My heart started to pound in my chest. The people on Mars could have heard it. I squinted my eyes trying to get a better look but it was hopeless.

"But that's no fun now is it, Katie Turner." I wasn't expecting a reply so the fact that's what the voice replied with shook me to my core. The voice sounded like it was a man but right now the gender wasn't my main concern. How the hell did he know my name? Why was he even following me? The thing that scared me the most was that I couldn't actually see where about he was.
He had the kind of voice that just sort of echoed like he was everywhere and nowhere at the same time.

I inhaled sharply and sprinted off hoping I could get to my apartment and call the police as fast as I could. At my old school, Sainsburys High, I used to be on the running team. I won a first place medal against 234 people during the 800m run. This is where all that racing and training came in handy. Breathing heavily I let my legs carry me as fast as they could go. I was running faster than I could think. Due to the panic and the stress of the whole situation I wasn't looking where I was going and ended up running in the wrong direction. I found myself at a dead end.

"Quite the athlete I see," the voice said from behind me I didn't see him nor did I hear him following me, it's like he knew where I was going to go and somehow beat me there. "Not fast enough though was it?"

I sunk in the corner of the blocked off alley way with no way to escape, tears uncontrollably leaving me. "Please don't hurt me, I don't wanna die." I sobbed into my knees screaming the words as loud as I could hoping anyone who was possibly around at the time could hear. I heard my voice echo through the isolated alley way giving me the impression no one was around to help.

"Katie. Katie. Katie. I don't think you understand do you?" He asked me now coming out of the shadows. I could see his face clearly now. He had a sharp jaw line and his eyes were glowing red. I screamed. This man wasn't even human. He had short brown hair too. I tried to get further away from him but I was cornered, there was no where to go.

"What do you mean I don't understand, your going to kill me!" I cried shouting in his face. My heart was beating like crazy he could probably hear it from outside my chest. I've been through some stuff but never in my life have I ever felt this scared before. That says something.

"Im not here to kill you love, I'm here to change you." He said bringing confusion and curiosity to my face. His face moved closer to me, he lowered his head like someone who was trying to kiss your neck would do. God I was so wrong about what was about to happen.

Before I could say anything else he grew sharp teeth which looked more like fangs and bit my shoulder. I screamed out in pain, was this guy a vampire?? That's crazy, vampires don't exist, do they??

I blacked out after that, that was the last thing I remember.


Word count - 1227

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