Blue eyes

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Katie's pov

We all ran through into the room where Peter was being held, Isaac closing behind me. "You kidnapped him?" Derek says raising his eyebrows.

"Well there wasn't much we could do at the time smart arse." I say jokingly earning a laugh from Isaac Ellie and stiles. Malia and Scott just smile while Liam has his eyes focused on Peter.

"Who even is this geezer?" Liam ask's finally pointing to Peter who was starting to move a little.

"He bit me, then stabbed my friend in the leg, then tried to kill me Isaac and Scott!" I say matter of factly.

"Actually, I didn't mean to stab your friend." Peter says lifting his head up. "From the back she looked a lot like you." He said cocking his head in my direction. That's when I felt Isaacs arm snake around my waist bringing me closer to him.

"Now what would an old man like you want with a gorgeous girl like her? Are you a pedo or something?" Ellie asks. The rest of us try our best not to laugh and to stay serious.

"No you twat! She's my wolf! Not only is she my wolf she could be such a powerful wolf." He spat at Ellie then he turned his attention onto me. "I can teach you how to unlock your full ability, these guys aren't your friends. Join me Katie."

For a split moment I was speechless. What did he mean full ability? Even Derek looked a bit confused when he said that. All eyes were on me and for once I hated it. "Don't do it Katie." Ellie said stepping in front of me blocking Peter out of my sight. "I won't let you do it okay?"

I looked up at her into her hazel eyes. I shake my head to say no. "No. I don't wanna go with him." I say causing everyone the room to sigh in relief. Isaac places a gentle kiss on my forehead. Ellie steps back again. I walk towards Peter and away from the pack. "You leave me and MY pack alone or I'm gonna rip your throat out... with my teeth." I say going behind him. My claws to his neck. I gently run them along his neck warningly. Scott looks like he's about to stop me but Derek puts his hand in the way so he can't. I take my claws away from his neck and walk around to the front of him. "Next time, I won't let you get away."
With that I reach into my blazer pocket, my blazer was still wrapped around my waist. Before we went to this party I put a knife in my pocket just in case. I pull it out and stab it into his leg. "That one's for Lydia." I say leaving it there and walking away. Before I left everyone had shocked looks on their faces. Ellie follows me out and we leave the house entirely.

"That so amazing!" Ellie says as we walk to the woods.

"I don't even know where all of that came from, I've never done anything like that before."

"That's probably because you've never been a werewolf before." She says truthfully. "Now race me!" Ellie says as she starts running into the woods. I don't even care she got a head start. I'm Katie fucking turner. I've won first place medals and trophies in extreme races I can beat this sucker any-day.

She was fast. But not fast enough. I let my legs carry me as fast as they could taking long strides. When I over took her at an insane speed her jaw just hung open at me and she stopped. I turned around and shot her a smirk but when I turned around again there was a tree in my face. I couldn't stop and before I knew it I was sliding down it my face pushed against the bark. All of a sudden I just hear Ellie burst out laughing as she runs over to me. When my bum hits the floor I just lay my back on it too.

"Cocky much!" Ellie shouts through her laughter.

"Slow poke!" I shout back through mine. I let the grazes on my face heal as Ellie helps me up. An arrow flew over my head as I was about to stand up fully. Our eyes quickly look over to where the arrow came from.

"ITS MY DAD! RUN!" I shout running the opposite direction, Ellie trying to keep up. I duck sensing and other arrow. Me and Ellie quickly jump behind a tree.


"I know." I say panting. The sun started to set.

"Full moon will be up very soon, hope you know how to control."


"FUCK!" She shouts.

"COME OUT, COME OUT, WHEREVER YOUR HIDING!" My dad shouts. He was still far behind us but close enough we could still hear him

"Ellie I can't control it!" I say trying to be quiet. "Call the pack!"

Ellie pulls out her phone but it's dead. "SHIT! It's dead!"

I lift my head up and growl hoping they'll hear me. But so did my dad. I lost control. I ran up to him and he kept trying to shoot me but I dodged every arrow. "KATIE DON'T!" Ellie screamed. But it was too late. Isaac and Scott arrive with Derek. I was already on top of my dad.

"I HATE YOU!" I say bringing my hand back to slash his stomach open.

"KATIE!" Derek and Scott shout in unison. But it was too late. I had done it. My dad laid on the floor coughing up blood.

"I never meant to hurt you. But now I've seen the monster in you. I wish I did it more often." He said. I ripped his throat out in anger. I turned back to the rest of pack and ran away. After that I don't remember anything. I only remember waking up in the woods the next morning. I was freezing and my skin had gone slightly blue from the cold. I growled hoping someone would hear me.


Word count - 1045

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