Forgive me yet?

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Isaacs pov

I got up and got ready for school. I was so nervous about going today. What if she hates my guts. I push all that aside and carry on with my morning. I go upstairs and see Melissa and Scott at the kitchen table. "There's some pancakes in the oven for you if you want them Isaac." Melissa says motioning towards the oven after shoving a forkful of pancakes in her mouth. I smiled and sat down with them after getting my pancakes.

After we all finished eating we got on Scot's motorbike and drove to school. When we got there we walked to over lockers. When I got to mine I saw Malia. "Malia!" I shout picking up my pace. She looks over at me and smiles.

"Oh hey Isaac." She replies turning back to her locker when I reach her.

"Is Katie still-"

"Mad? No. Upset? A little." She cuts me off before I can even finish.

"Will she-"

"Forgive you? Yes. She couldn't stop thinking about you last night." She replies locking her locker. "But let her forgive you. Don't talk to her unless she talks to you."

I nod enthusiastically as Malia walks off shoving her books into her shoulder bag.

Just then I see Katie. She looks like she's looking for someone. When her eyes land on me she smiles and makes her way over to me but the bell rings before anything can be said between the two off us. She rolls her eyes at the bell and smiles before she walks off to her next lesson. I went to stop her but then I remembered what Malia said and just went to biology.

The lesson seemed to last forever and it was only period one. All I could think about was what it was that Katie wanted to say, or do. For all I know she could have came over to smack me across the face. When the bell rings I am filled with excitement until I realise i still have another hour before I can see what it was that Katie wanted. I make my way to English and take my seat next to Scott and stiles. They both smile at me before I sat down.

"Katie was looking for you." Stiles says causing a shocked look from Scott.

"I know, she found me but before she could say anything the stupid bell rang and she walked off." I say angrily throwing my Romeo and Juliet book onto the table.

"Doesn't she sit there?" Scott said point the the seat in-front of my desk. I hit my head against the desk.

"This is gonna be worse than Gerard Argents torture methods." I say pulling my head off the desk. "What if she wants to hit me or something?"

"Oh boy you have the wrong idea there." Stiles says with a smirk. When me and Scott look over at him he stops smiling. "I mean uh-" he was cut off my Katie walking into class with Kira shortly followed by the teacher.

The lesson was so fucking slow. When the bell finally rang Katie turned around to face me. "Meet me outside the locker rooms." I quickly put my copy of the play back into my bag and make my way to the locker rooms. I didn't let anyone distract me on my way there. When I arrived she was already there unsurprisingly.

She grabbed my wrist and dragged into to the locker room. We both sit down on the benches facing one another. She sat in silence for a while.

"Forgive me yet?" I finally ask.

"I want to. But I just need time." She says "I still wanna be your friend but right now we need to not be flirting. I'll still go the the party with you, but nothing more than friends." Her words sadden me but I nod along anyway. We sit there talking for a little while before the bell rings.

We both head to chemistry and take our seats. When the teacher comes in she realises she forgot something.

She looks around the room like she's waiting to ask someone something. "Isaac and Katie would you please go to the chemistry closest and get me some hydrofluoric acid?" We both nod and head the the closet.

"Ladies first." I say holding open the door. When she walks in I walk in after putting i bucket in front of the door because when the door shuts to the chemistry closet it locks itself and it doesn't unlock from the inside for some stupid reason.

Katie looks around at the tiny closet clueless. "It's up there." She says pointing to the highest shelf but neither of us were tall enough.

"Wanna get on shoulders so you can reach?" I offer realising there was no step ladder.

"Yes please. I don't know why they don't keep some sort of step ladder in here."

"Neither do I." I say putting her on my shoulders.

"You got it?" I ask.

"Can you move a little closer please?"

I take a few steps forward. "Ah ha! Got it." Just then I heard the door close. I quickly get Katie of my shoulders and run over to the door. I started to have flashbacks from when my dad locked me in a freezer and I started to freak out.

"NO!" I screamed banging on the door. Katie put a hand on my shoulder but I was starting to loose control. "LET ME OUT!" I shouted shrugging her off. My breathing started to speed up and I got angry.

I turned around after fully loosing control. Unintentionally I pinned Katie up against the shelf breaking all the glass behind her. "UGH FUCK FRIENDS!" She screams. Before I could do anything her lips slammed into mine. I felt myself start to shift back. I moved my hands off the shelf. Her hand found it's way to my cheek while her other found it's way to my hair. I wrapped my arms around her waist pulling her as close I could into me closing the gap between us. Our lips moved in sync. The hand that was in my hair found it's way to my other cheek deepening the kiss even more. Her lips were so soft and tender. We both pulled away from each-other smiling.

"What happened to being just friends?" I ask while smirking and releasing her from my strong grip.

"Like I said, fuck friends." She shrieked in pain as she placed her hand on her shoulder.

"Here let me look." I say. She turns around and there a piece of glass stuck in her shoulder. "Omg I'm so sorry." I say pulling it out and placing a gentle kiss where the glass was once it had healed.
"I didn't mean to loose control and hurt you I-"

She turns around and pulls me into a warm hug. "Shhh it's okay," she whispers even though it's just us. "I know it reminded you of the freezer, it's just trauma. Don't apologise for your trauma." She says.

I smile sitting down. She joins me and sits next to me. "So what does this mean for us?" I say finally.

"Fuck friends." She repeats leaning a head on my shoulder. "I wanna be more than friends Isaac Lahey."

She looks up at me and smiles sweetly. "Fine by me darling." I say leaning down to kiss her. We start making out again before we heard a voice at the door.


"STILES." We both shout in unison jumping up to the door.


"Yeah guys it's me."

"WERE LOCKED IN STILES." Katie shouts stating the obvious.

"Wait there I'll go get Scott, he can pick locked!" Stiles says. We can hear his shoes squeaking against the floor causing both of us to laugh.

A few minutes later they return. "Hang on guys!" Scott shouts. I listen closely with my supernatural hearing to find out what he's trying to do. He was trying to unlock the door with his claws. All of a sudden the door swings open. The minute it does I run out and give the both of them the biggest hugs I could ever give.

I pull away and walk back over to Katie. "Who the hell locked us in then?" She ask looking between stiles and Scott like they had the answer.

"We don't know for sure, but we think it was Peter." Scott finally says.


Word count 1425

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