The bite... is a gift

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Katies pov

I let them chain me up. I was crying the whole time and that was the last thing I remember. I woke up the next morning still chained up laying of the floor while holding Isaacs hand. While I was asleep he'd given me a pillow. The floor was horrible in this boat house! I gently wiggled from Isaacs grip and sat up. I saw everyone else laid across couches fast asleep. Last night Scott mentioned I have super strength so I broke the chains and set myself free. It was still dark outside but the moon wasn't up anymore. I found an empty armchair and sat in it.

"What time is it?" Isaac said rubbing his eyes. I pulled my phone out of his jumper which I hadn't taken off. The time read 6:54am

"Almost 7. Sorry did I wake you?" I ask concerned.

"No no! Don't worry." He reassured now sitting up straight in his armchair.

"Is there enough room for two in that chair?" I ask, I felt comfortable around him. It was like nothing bad could happen with him around. Is that strange? We only met yesterday. I was also cold and he looked warm and cuddly where he was right now.

"Get over here," he says moving over a little to make a bit more room. I stand up and walked over to him and took a seat next to him. I closed my eyes and rested my head against his chest. I felt him gently lean his head on top of mine. "How are you feeling about... well, this?"

I took a deep breath before I spoke. "The night that strange guy bit me I was so scared... but when I woke up yesterday morning and I was in my own bed and there was no mark I thought I'd dreamt it all. I guess what I'm trying to say is last night was a shock, but on the other I'm glad it wasn't the start of a reoccurring nightmare," I say not knowing weather he understands or not. "My life hasn't exactly been easy and moving to this town was a big risk for me and I was scared people would find me and I wouldn't be able to protect myself. But now I know I can."

"Wow that was deep," he says, his morning voice is cute "I know we only just met but I'm here if you ever wanna talk about any of this supernatural shit."

"Am I sacred out of my mind? Yes. Do I want to be a werewolf? No. But it is what it is. Once I learn to control it I'll probably feel different."

"The bite.. is a gift." I hear Scott say as he wakes up. Me and Isaac move our heads away from each other and watch Scott sit up on the crowded couch of people. "Welcome to the pack." He continued. I reply with a small smile.

"The one thing I can't wrap my head around is who turned her." Malia says as she too rises from the dead.

"Ten bucks says it's dereks crazy uncle!" Stiles shouts waking up the others who were still asleep.

Everyone laughs except me Malia and Kira who exchange 'who's that?' Looks. Even Derek laughs.

We sit around getting to know each other some more. I learnt that Malia is still very knew to this as-well. Apparently she was trapped as a coyote since she was 10 before Scott and stiles saved her. At first she didn't want to be saved but now she loves being human. The only thing she hates is school. I learnt who everyone dates. Apparently stiles and Malia date! I see it! There so cute together. Kira and Scott date which was kind off a given. Derek, Lydia, Isaac and I are all single.

I love these people so much even though we barely know each other. Me and Malia seemed to click the most. I can tell me and her are going to get along. Same with Kira and stiles to be honest. The more time I spent with these people the more I realised even though my life has changed completely I made the right choice moving here. I still don't won't them to see where I live though, what if they see it and hate me? I also refuse to talk about my family. When they asked me about my parents I said there happily married. I think Isaac was the only one smart enough to listen to my heart beat to find out weather I was lying or not. Which I was so that's gonna be an interesting conversation.


At around 12:00pm I got back in the car with Isaac and we drove off. "Where am I taking you?" He asks starting the car. In that moment I so wanted to say my house. I wanted to learn more about him but I didn't want him to see me for who I really am. At the same time this guy didn't really seem like the kind of guy to judge. I took a deep break and without thinking I just let it happen.

"My house if that's not an issue." He looks at me for a split second then back out of the window.

"Of course it isn't," He says "but I might need your address to be able to do that.

"Go to the café and I'll tell you the directions from there," I say. "I was also maybe thinking that um... you might maybe wanna come inside and we could like hang out. I mean it's up to you but-"

"I'd love to," he cuts in causing me to let out a sigh of relief. "I am a little bit confused though Katie. Why did you lie when Lydia asked about your parents?"

Crap. This is exactly the conversation I was hoping to avoid. I guess there literally is no avoiding it now that I've invited him over. Without thinking I say it all as fast as I can so I don't have to stay on the subject for long. "If I tell you this you can't tell the others because I don't want you all to hate me or whatever. My mum died from cancer last year and my dad became a drunk and a druggie and he used to abuse me so I moved here to beacon hills so I'd be safe from him." Isaac went silent after that. "Oh god I've screwed this up haven't I? Just drop me off here I'll walk the rest of the way home-"

"My mum took off with my sister when we were little. I don't even know weather there still alive. My dad, like yours, would also abuse me. He used to um... lock me in the broken freezer if I got bad grades. Then 2 years ago he got murdered by a kanima. Don't worry, I know how you feel and I'm never stop talking to you because of your parents. And for your information I'd also never leave you in the middle of know where to walk home." We both giggled at his last sentence. He placed a hand on my knee and squeezed it slightly. "It's us against the world Katie tuner, I won't let your dad do anything to you ever again." He moved his hand back onto the steering wheel. Why the hell it gave me butterflies i will never know


Words count : 1243

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