bonus #1| talk

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* set a month after ch

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* set a month after ch.30 *

I was sitting at Lara's coffee shop, a tall cup of coffee in my hands as I kept checking the time on my phone.

Juliano had reached out to me two weeks ago, asking if I wanted to meet up for coffee. I agreed.

What could possibly go wrong with seeing my little brother who hasn't spoken to me in god knows how many years because of our abusive and controlling birth mother?

"Just relax, he's going to show up." Lara said while pressing a comforting hand on my shoulder. She was trying to appease my nerves as I was growing antsy.

He should be here by now.

If he stood me up, I will be blocking him and never speak to him again— you have to be shitting me.

Not only did my brother walk in the coffee shop fashionably late, he was also accomplished by Annabelle, our cousin.

"I'm going to kill him."

"Play nice." Lara warned before going to her counter and greeting them with her signature smile.

I swear her smile can make anyone smile. Which is weird since she got with the most brooding man known to man kind, Dragomir Pavlov.

Opposites attract, I guess.

"Sorry I'm late, traffic was a bitch." Juliano said while taking a in front of me as I tried not to glare at Annabelle.

"Why is she here?"

I asked, putting up my cold expression and indifferent eyes. I hate when I have to put it on. That's not me.

"I thought we could rekindle all of our relationships. None of us have spoken to each other in ten years."

"Don't you think there might be a reason behind it?" I questioned my little brother who seemed to not care about my tone of voice.

"Look, Corali—"

"My names Cora." I cut off Annabelle with a glare.

"And you don't get to go first."

Taking a sip of my coffee, I looked at her straight in the eyes. I didn't flinch when she moved to sit down or when Lara brought them their drinks.

"None of you know what I've been through. I was beaten everyday for some dumb shit that I didn't do."

"Coco..." Juliano started but I shushed him.

"When you left, I thought it was a fucking joke. We always talked about leaving but together. We were going to take you and move away. Why didn't you stick to the fucking plan? I was left for dead that day, I couldn't move, I couldn't see, I couldn't feel. I was broken and bleeding on the floor because you decided to leave without me. You took all the money and left! Do you know how it fucking feels to have the only person you've ever trusted in this world turn their back on you? I almost pulled the trigger. I almost killed myself because you left me in a house that found pleasure in beating me."

"Now, that's not fair. You left me too."

"I was kicked out, Jules. Our dear and beloved mother kicked me out. I wanted to take you with me but you weren't speaking to me. You resented me."

"Because mom said—"

"Mom's a compulsive liar. She manipulates people into having what she wants. She's controlling and she doesn't understand that we are our own person. She's a narcissist who only cares about herself."

I said while taking a deep breath as my two family members stared at me with wide eyes. Annabelle's cheeks were slightly damp but I didn't care.

I was finally telling them what I went through and if they wanted to keep living like I didn't exist, then I don't care. But at least the truth is out.

"I had to leave. There were people after me and you guys didn't deserve a life on the run. I had to protect you guys, make sure no one ever found out who you were to me. I didn't want to."

"Why didn't you say anything when you were in the parlour bringing Storm food?"

"Because I didn't know if they were still watching. I just got out of the life, I paid all of my debts. They don't own me anymore but I had to be sure." She stated while taking my hand in hers.

"I'm sorry. I should've left a note or something but I couldn't risk it, Coco. You have to believe me."

Strangely, I did.

Even after everything, I can tell when she's lying or telling the truth. And this is the truth.

"I... I believe you but that doesn't excuse the fact that you haven't tried to contact me after you left the life."

I know all about the life. Lara was stuck in it for awhile because of an ex boyfriend who stole coke. She has to pay his debt and more.

It was hard for her but she found Dragomir who seemed to have made her life a little happier.

"I was scared. I mean, you're like crazy famous and successful. You were obviously doing better without me, so I didn't try." She said as I sighed.

"I probably wouldn't have listened to you. I wasn't in the same headspace that I am now. I was angrier and I wouldn't be be able to hold a conversation." I told her truthfully.

"Why didn't you tell me you were getting beaten? Why didn't you say something to me?" Juliano asked after awhile of silence.

Oh baby...

"You were a kid, Jules. I didn't want you to live with that burden..."

"No, you don't get to make that decision for me. You're my sister, I would've protected you!" He said, almost shouting in the cafe.

"You were five, Jules! You couldn't have protected me." I tried to reason with him but that simply caused tears to roll down his face.

"I would've tried." His voice cracked.

Getting up from my seat, I walked up to my brother before hugging him tightly.

He cried quietly in my arms as I tried not to cry with him when Annabelle hugged us both.

I needed that.


"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I believed her. I knew you wouldn't do that but I had to blame someone."

"I forgive you, Jules. I've missed you so much." I stated while kissing his forehead as he hugged me tighter along with Annabelle.

"I've missed you too."

I couldn't help the tears that ran down my cheeks. Getting this type of closure is something I never thought I would get.

But now that I've got it, I'm realizing how much not speaking to my family had an impact on my life. It's the main reason why I'm so closed off and why I don't trust people easily.

"I love you guys." Annabelle whispered as we mumbled i love you too before pulling away.

We had finally found ourselves back to each other.

That's all I ever truly wanted.

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