Chapter 2 - BDSM With a Monster

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We set about getting prepared for the coming battle. Luckily, we had handled other werewolves before. If Asher couldn't get thru to the beast's human side, we would have to put it down. That's why I had two pistols holstered on my hips filled to the brim with silver bullets along with some extra clips. I had a silver knife in my boot, as well as some silver-knuckles and a few flares for distraction. And if you can believe this, underneath my shirt was a chainmail vest Asher had given me for my birthday a couple years ago. It doesn't stop bullets, but for claws and teeth its great!

"Remember I am going to try and talk to it. Sometimes those who are turned can be reasoned with and gain some control over the beast, but if not, be prepared to put a bullet in its brain."

"I may be a dog person but okay, let's go take care of Cujo." I said as we headed into the woods.

Asher took the lead; his heightened sense of smell allowed him to track the beasties scent. Our contact in the morgue had snagged a piece of the victims clothing giving Asher a fresh source. We used it to lead us to this area of the woods. After walking for around an hour we came to a clearing.

Asher suddenly stopped, a confused look on his face.

"What is it? Did you lose the scent?" I asked. He raised a hand to his lips telling me to stay quiet. His look of concern grew as he took in a deep breath.

"This clearing is steeped in it, but the scent, it is off. It's definitely around here, but I am not so sure it's a werewolf anymore."

I unholstered one of my pistols.

"What do you mean the smell is off?"

"This smell was so animalistic; I was so sure it was a werewolf. The marks on the body, and the timing of the attacks made sense." He said, his face growing more and more worried as he looked around. "But now, in this clearing, I'm not so sure. There is a rotten smell to it now."

My eyes followed his movements, "If it's not a werewolf, then what is it?"

He gave the air another long sniff. Then a look a realization came across his face, followed quickly by fear.

"Aiden, we have to get out of here!" He said, his voice breaking.

Before I could respond, there was a large thud as a massive form dropped from the large pine tree behind me. I turned slowly; my eyes wide with fear.

Standing there before me was a creature the likes of which I had never seen. It stood nearly 10 feet tall upon cloven hooves. Its fur covered arms were to long for its body and ended with a three-fingered hand tipped with sharp bloodstained claws, that drug upon the ground. Its rib cage protruded out from its flesh, as if it hadn't eaten in weeks. Massive horns erupted from the elk like skull encasing its head. Burning red coals filled the empty eye sockets. Dagger like teeth could be seen in its maw. Brown fur covered its whole body. It was dirty and matted, stained with copper-colored blotches that could only be blood. Even with it being 15 feet away from me I could smell the scent of musk and rotting meat. No wonder Asher had been confused by the scent.

The creature leaned forward on its thin arms its glowing orbs locking onto me. With a horrifying bellow, it charged directly at me.

Somehow keeping control of my bowels, I raised my gun and fired off two shots. Both bullets hit their mark, and off colored blood satisfyingly spraying from the wounds. But this thing acted as if I was throwing pinecones at it because it didn't even flinch before it slammed into me, sending me flying back.

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