First Sight

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 -Muichirou's POV-

I Honestly wonder why that butterfly lady? Thing? I don't know and I honestly don't care wait what did she ask for me to do again? oh wait no wait yeah, she wanted me to go and get lunch wait no she asked for that last week... OH that boy she asked for meet eh should i even go eh maybe but where was her estate again... 

-Narrators POV-

The young boy had looked up at the sky trying to remember yet all he had found was a duck shaped cloud "What was that called again..." He said quietly without realizing there was a female behind him "Hi Tokito-Kun! What are you doing here?" Mitsuri said honestly scaring the life out Tokito he had jumped a little but once he calmed down, he had finally said after a few minutes of intense staring " uh, I forgot..." then Kanroji had spat out a little giggle " Also Shinobu is looking for you!" She said while smiling " oh, who is that?" Kanroji sighed and soon after said " The butterfly woman?" The young boys mouth dropped in awe " so that's her name. Never knew" Mitsuri said soon after "Im sure you knew it at some point." She sighed then soon sqeauled in awe " Im sorry Tokito-Kun but your face is just so cute! >-<"

 After she said that she grabbed him in a hug, soon after she did that the boy felt like he was being watched, so he looked around just to see a snake like boy sitting in the bushes, next to a boy with scars who seemed to be sleeping, but the boy that looked like a snake had binoculars and was watching him, and the taller pink and green haired girl, after a little bit Kanroji let go, and apologized, and guided him to Lady Shinobu's mansion 

 -10 Minutes later-

A few minutes after Miss Kanroji left somehow the young boy was already lost, but during the time he was lost he remembered a boy from a trial he barely remembers from yesterday and recognized him in the hall walking but got suddenly pushed out of the way by a tall male that kind of reminded Tokito of the scarred guy in the bush that was dramatically snoring. SO LOUD MIGHT I ADD. but it was different when he saw this new guy in the hall, it was just a feeling that overwhelmed him, but it was weird he didn't recognize this feeling but before I had time to think the random guy was already Infront of me 

"I didn't know you were a stalker?" The Anonymous man said Tokito had tilted his head in confusion not remembering what stalker meant. The man groaned and rolled his eyes and ran off out of pure anger, but also a little bit of this unknown feeling from being so close to empty headed boy.

 -Muichirou's POV-

Wow what was that feeling that just went through my body just then... this is so confusing but then again why does this feeling keep coming back when I think about that boy? I don't even know his name, I DONT EVEN KNOW IF ITS A HE... without realizing I guess I had a stressed face that's at least what butterfly lady said because I guess she saw me standing in the walkway of the hall close up to the wall, since I had stepped back when that boy came by...? "Bye." I said walking off without even talking to Shinobu. The only thing I had in mind was identifying this feeling... Yet I didn't know how, so I went to the only person I think does, Aka Bubblegum girl 

Young Love (FLUFF)(GenyaxMuichirou)Where stories live. Discover now