Identifying love..?

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- Muichirou's POV-

Not Sure how but I kind of remember where Miss Bubble gums estate is (thank God or I'd be screwed) after a few minutes I found myself standing in garden, its peaceful, I "enjoy" coming here. I look near an open door and hear Bubble gums voice, so I patiently walk over and find her and the bamboo girl doing... I think it was called hairstyles if I remember correctly but completely ignoring that I walked in with a sudden " Sakura girl I need to talk to you." She had looked up at me and looked down at a place near her "Take a seat Tokito-Kun!" She says happily smiling up at me once she said that a few seconds later I sat in a completely different spot.

After A good minute of silence, I break the tension and speak "I wanted to talk about this uhm unusual feeling.."  as soon as i said that both of their faces lightened up Bubblegum girl pulled me right Infront of her but I wasn't facing her i tried to say somthing but lemme just show you what happened "What are u guys do-" "Shush boy be patient, now explain this new feeling." At the end she started smiling which somehow felt very reassuring to know that she'll listen to what I have to say  " Well uhm Basically i get this strange feeling everytime i see this boy at least im pretty sure its a boy-"  Mitsuri cuts me off " YOU'RE GAY?"  "What does that mean" i reply with Nezuko tilts her head in confusion also wanting to know what it means "It means a Male Liking another Male" Sakura girl says with ease "Then yes." I said in response i cleared my throat "This guy looks so attractive and it just like i want to be with him i want to spend time with him i want him to hug and hold me and whats that big word that you say... Oh yeah! I want him to show me affection .." I said confidently

 -A good moment of silence later-

Bubblegum girl squeals out of excitement and accidentally pulls my hair "SHI- I mean ow! what even are you doing?" I say out of raw pain "Uhm you'll find out soon :)" she says suspiciously while that was going on the demon was running around with flowers from the garden but just a second ago she was outside think making flower crowns for all three of us. "Honey i think the feeling your experiencing is.. Love" She Says while turning me around " Love? What does that mean Miss Bubblegum?" I say curiously " Love means an intense feeling of deep affection or another way to see it is as a person or thing that one loves" she says smiling softly My mouth drops in Awe since she just described what I'm feeling perfectly " what should i do about this 'Love' thing" I Asked "Maybe just try and talk with him! get close gain friendship who know he might like you as well " There it was again that reassuring smile somehow it reminds me of someone but i just cant remember after a few minutes Bubblegum Girl said "Finished!" Then i replied with "Finished what?"  "let me just show you!" She says while she grabs a mirror soon after she grabs the mirror she sits back down and shows me 

- This is what they all look like! -

-Introduction! -

Muichirou does have respect and does somewhat care for her since he sees her as his little sister

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Muichirou does have respect and does somewhat care for her since he sees her as his little sister

Nezuko Kamado




Young Love (FLUFF)(GenyaxMuichirou)Where stories live. Discover now