Small Talk

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-Narrators POV-

Once Genya heard that Muichirou wanted to get to know him better he had a large amount of blush running across his cheeks, and had finally replied with a "Well uhm, what do you wanna know?" Genya said mumbling with a soft smile "for starters, how did you get your scars?" Muichirou asks, Genya sighed as soon as he said that "Well, it was from a demon attack when I was younger" Genya says as his smiles fades "Well that's traumatic" Muichirou says with a straight face Genya clears his throat and says, "Since you asked already asked a question, what was your reason to join the demon slayer corps" Genya asks,

+~~"I dunno I forgot"~~+

Muichirou says looking up at the sky "that's kinda important how can you forget that" Genya asks, looking over to Muichirou who was currently looking at the clouds "I can't remember."Muichirou says letting his eyes trail off from the clouds onto Genya "Sometimes it's better to just not remember..." Genya says with a soft smile looking back at the clouds "I guess..." muichirou says before yawning and moving toward Genya, to the point where they were right next to each other, sitting under the Wisteria Tree looking up at the sky.

-Genya's POV-

After a small yawn I felt weight fall onto my shoulder, so obviously I look to my left and see Muichirou sound asleep. I will admit he looked adorable when sleeping, and I kinda wanna kiss him...WAIT no, why am I thinking of that were friends and that's final... but I do admit, that it'd be pretty awesome to be more than that, ugh this is confusing, I should just take him back to his estate.

-Narrators POV-

After a minute of sitting in silence, Genya grabbed Muichirou bridal style and grabbed the basket and stuffed the picnic blanket in the basket and started walking back to the estate.

-a few minutes later-

Genya opened the door and felt a feeling of relief rush through his body "Woah what the flying fuck just happened" Genya Whispered to himself. He walked into the manor trying to find Muichirou's room, which he did within a few minutes of wandering. He opened the sliding door to find a bed in the corner of the room, Genya walked over to the bed and set Muichirou down on the bed. Genya went to try and get up until he felt his arm being squeezed so fucking hard, "If you try to leave, I will see to it that you won't see the day of light ever fucking again." Muichirou groaned half awake, and with that Genya took off his shoes at the end of the bed and crawled over next to Muichirou and after a minute or two he fell fast asleep.

-Author notes

Thanks for reading you horny teens!

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