Frenemies? <3

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-Narrator POV-

After Tokito had heard what Mitsuri had to say he had courage to try and become friends with this random ass boy that has absolutely nothing to do with him :)

-Few Minutes Later-

Young Tokito had entered the butterfly estate in hope to find the scarred, majestic, attractive, tall asshole that this innocent, empty headed, calm, relaxed, patient, open minded boy somehow is in love with and with his quote-on-quote great luck he had found him still in recovery from the last fight

Tokito had wanted a better chance on becoming closer with him, so he learned that his favorite food Watermelon since he didn't find a lot of the tastes from fruits and vegetables good but when he tried watermelon it was actually better than all the rest. The scarred boy had finally woken up and just stared at muichiro in confusion until he saw the watermelon sitting on the bed side table "Is that for me?" Genya asks pointing to the watermelon Muichiros cheeks were flushed Rosey red and nodded after that Genya quickly went to grab one and that he indeed did do After he ate 4 big slices of watermelon he finally asked "Oh my bad did you want one? -" "No, I'm fine thanks for the offer though..." I replied quietly "Why are you even here, I don't even know you? -" Genya asked

+~~ "Well... I want to be friends with you" ~~+

Genya looked disappointed, as if he was expecting more...?"Fine I suppose, thanks for the watermelon though..." Genya said Muichiro smiled feeling satisfied with his response Genya noticed his smile and looked the other way to avoid showing him blush to his new Quote-On-Quote friend " Since we're friends it'd be best to know each other's names" Genya smiled as he said it "Oh I'm... wait hold on I got this. just give me a sec... OH YEAH Tokito Muichiro !" Tokito says with ease "I'm going to ignore that, I'm Genya! Genya Shinazugawa!" Genya said confidently

TY for reading gn! or gm idrc

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