A show of power.

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  There was a constant drone in Amara's ears as he woke. He found that his shoulders, chest, and neck were aching in pain. When he opened his eyes, he saw the rocky ceiling as his vision struggled to wake up as well. He sat up, despite the pain, finally realizing that his shirt was missing.
  Amara's eyes widened as he looked at the knife still tightly clenched in his right hand. More cuts and bruises now led up his arm snd to his neck, brand new, most cuts still bleeding.   Click, the door's lock echoed though the room. He looked up to see Belle staring down at him. She paused for a moment as if she forgot what she was about to say. Eventually, she kept it together then nodded nervously.
  "Umm..Clotho will train you personally with the help of Shane. Go back to the training room you saw before..I'll be here."
  He nodded then stood up. Not questioning where his shirt had gone, Amara let him walk past her and out into the great hall once more. The mood here was different. Instead of a lively game filled great hall, the air was now thick and full of fear instead. This droning in his ears started to get loud. He wanted to cover his ears or close his eyes but he didn't want to seem weird in front of all these people.
  This droning, like a train miles away from him and getting closer. It kept beckoning, pushing against his head so hard he couldn't focus on where he was going. He kept marching and marching until, BOOM. He walked into someone and fell on his ass on the stone bridge. He didn't even realize he got to the bridge. He looked up and saw Belle holding out her hand for him. Amara was confused, he thought Belle was still in the great hall. Good thing he could see it from here. Amara turned around fast. He saw people running to the bridge and trying to look off the side of it, but he didn't see Belle. Wasn't she just standing by the door?
  When he looked back at Belle there was something sinister in her eyes. Her posture was wrong. He gripped the knife handle tightly in his right hand, something was wrong. She began walking towards him slowly but the others around him just watched. They refused to help.
  "..b-belle..what's wrong?"
  She did not answer.

  "The boy..I can tell he knows his way around a brawl but does he know how to fight like us?"
  Clotho spoke to her assistant while strutting down the hall that leads to the bridge. Everyone around her respected her space, walking around or past her. Shane was a man with white eyes, he had no pupils and had silver hair. He already smelled a fight brewing. He pointed to the bridge where people decided to crowd around.
  "Let's watch then." He said in a deep tone. Clotho's eyes widened.
  "My daughter?!"

  BOOM! A kick to Amara's stomach had him winded. He held his stomach but kept one eye open, staring forward in pain. Belle wasn't there. He turned around and swung his knife, cutting open a large slit in Belle's stomach before backing up. She didn't react to it at all, only smiling and running after Amara. He ducked under her kick and stabbed her leg. She jerked her body away and swung at him, he ducked, the fist didn't go anywhere. BOOM. He was kicked in the chin so incredibly hard he was in the air for a couple feet. Belle wasted no time, her eyes began to glow red with trials in the air following their movements. She leaped into Amara and grabbed him tightly, flying off the bridge's side. Everyone gasped as Amara and Belle went soaring off the ledge and miles and miles down into the abandoned city below.
   Amara did not think about death, he wasn't thinking about screaming, he wrapped his legs around Belle's torso and began stabbing the back of her neck over and over. There was blood flying down with them, all over his face, all over the knife, but she was still smiling and holding him. Suddenly, Amara felt a great force behind him. He closed his eyes and braced himself but it wasn't the ground he hit. In fact his body was covered in a purple smoke before being released again. Gravity only slightly hurt his back when he flopped against the stone floor in the middle of large abandoned stone housing. Amara stood up slowly, she fell face first.
  Amara got to see her weak limping body as she began crying. She clearly still tried to stretch her face tissue to smile hit her bottom jaw was broken, hanging down and bleeding only from its right hinge. Her long bloody tongue dangled as she gagged on her spit and blood. Amara held the knife forward and whimpered, he began crying so hard it was difficult to even see Amara. He saw someone big land behind her, someone dressed in black, it was Clotho. When he wiped away his tears he got to witness slaughter. Clotho grabbed Belle's head from behind with her large right hand and licked her up. She then drove her left hand through Amara's back and out her chest. With this blood soaked arm she then held Belle up. Belle began screaming and screaming as Clotho drove her second hand into this same hole. With all of her knight, Clotho yelled as she raised Belle above her head and ripped her clean in half. Belle's intensities and bone fragments scattered around Clotho.
  Clotho let out a roar as she grabbed Belle's left arm and slammed her top half into the ground as hard as she can, scattering her brain all over a walk of a building that was beside her. Clotho then looked at Amara with murder still in her eyes. Veins were popping out of her head and arms while her eyes were glowing purple. She was breathing heavily and hard but said little.
  "Y-....your daughter.."
  Amara was struck with so much sadness that he fell to his knees and held his stomach. Clotho cleared her throat and brushed blood off of her clothes while Amara turned away and threw up onto the stone floor.
  "She was not my daughter. It is called a mimic. You will return to your room but when you find your left side neighbor you will find her still sleeping. Mimics are beasts that live in this part of the world..there is a breach in my walls I must attend to..."
  "But..she looked and sounded exactly like your daughter..why did you even bother to save me..I was gonna die.."
  "You have more use to me and my daughter alive." Clotho spoke with darkness in her tone. She turned around and looked upwards. "Nothing more. Come."
  "Yes ma'am.."
  Amara signed as his body was suddenly picked up by that purple smoke again. Gravity didn't obey, letting him float upwards while Clotho was doing the same thing. He had so many questions he didn't have the chance to ask yet. So everybody here has powers? What the hell is a mimic?
  So many questions.

Poison AmaraWhere stories live. Discover now