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  The next day, The Unseen was full of questions. How did a Mimic get in and how the hell did a kid kill Clotho's image in one day? Clotho wanted to answer these questions.
  The interrogation room. Ishtar was tasked with questioning since she saw everything. Clotho listened from the corner. Meanwhile Belle was sent to find a breach in the cave, she can't seem to find it.
  This room is dark, only lit by a single lantern that Ishtar lit on the metal table. Amara sits on one side, Ishtar sits on the other. This woman, Ishtar, she seems very smart yet shy. Her eyes constantly dart between things in the room as if she's trying really hard to find the best words constantly. In this dark silent room, Amara can feel the droning of the caves around him and the constant judgmental iron stare of Clotho's glowing purple eyes. She was furious.
  "So..as you know we both have a few questions. You do not have a Sigil, yet you were able to not only do one hundred and fifty push ups without trying but you were also able to beat Clotho's Image in battle. Nobody has done that for a decade. And you're just h-human..so please explain."
  Amara through about Ishtar's words.
  "There really is no explanation. Growing up I've always been working out, training to fight, and fighting. Those..people..back in town..locked me up for reasons I don't want to talk about-"
  "Why not?" Clotho's sharp words made both Ishtar and Amara flinch.
  "It's personal.." He replied simply.
  "Personal?" Clotho questioned, her voice was so filled with anger Amara practically choked on the malice. Her tone punched the wind right out of his lungs.
  "My Daughter saved your life and made sure you were well. You show signs of secretive play and considerable skill. You owe us ten fold, so speak up."
  "...I get possessed.."
  "What?" Ishtar says confused.
  "When I sleep..I have a chance to become a monster. In my sleep if I cannot hurt someone else I will hurt myself instead. That is why I have cuts and bruises on myself and that is why new marks show up every day." Amara explains.
  "Will you kill someone here in your sleep?" Clotho asks.
  "As long as they're not in the same room as me no, I won't." He replies.
"So..my daughter saved a demon."
"No..I'm still me..I was just born with this..parasite. And it hurts my body when I sleep..by any means it will hurt me."
Amara points out the large cuts and bruises on his neck, on his arms, his shoulders, his stomach, his back. All over his body from his feet all the way to his chin. Clotho sighs and whispers.
"And what did your family..your people..what did they do about this?" Ishtar asked.
"Don't have a family." Amara replied in a calm tone, "I had guards in a cell. I had..tasks..fights to win. I had to work out before I ate and after. Die in my sleep by my own hands or practice until they forced me to fight another kid with a problem like mine."
"How did you survive?" Clotho asked.
"I hade more problems than them." Amara said before sighing. The room was quiet.
"I escaped the only place I thought they couldn't follow. And now I'm here. I have no Sigil. I have no purpose here, and I have no problem with any of you. I killed Clotho's clone but I know I can't do that again, let alone fight the real stronger thing. So let me go."
"You still owe us-" He cut Clotho off-
"What? What do I owe you?..."
Ishtar sighed and stood up.
"Amara..more and more humans are being killed at birth for having Sigils on their back and the Surface Dwellers are posting it on social media as a scare tactic. They want us to go to war with them again. So-...we think that if you went back and provided some sort of information we could come up with a plan and eradicate all of them."
"Information like what?" He asked.
"Well.." Clotho walked forward and into the light. For a moment Amara forgot how aggressive and scary she looked. "The plan was to capture the people you were specifically running from and..torture them..ask questions...then send them back."
Amara was speechless. He sighed and turned away.
"There's no point in that.." Amara sighs and shakes his head.
"Then what ideas do you HAVE, Amara? What else do we do? We are hiding." Clotho demanded more.
"Then stay hidden. Peace is not certain, temporary, but it's here right now and if you shorten it by failing a little mission then you put ALL of these people in danger. So you would sacrifice all of your people's lives for threats from the Surface or are you gonna keep them safe and attack when necessary?"
Clotho was speechless. Amara took a deep breath and turned around, his face was stone cold. He marched right past Ishtar who was keeping her head down and out of the argument. For a moment, he looked around, seeing nobody in this desolate hallway. Nothing but dark stone and distant voices bouncing off the walls from miles away.
  It is here where he began thinking about the situation he was in. Things were happening so fast he felt like he didn't have time to do this until now. Just earlier he was plotting his escape as if this is a prison but this is no prison. This is a full on rebellion colony lead by some angry buff woman where the main reason why they aren't accepted by the rest of the world is because they're born with magic. Then he thought about himself. Mental assessment, he felt okay, healthy, and was ready to do anything he wanted that was within his power. Then he thought about what happens when he goes to sleep. A powerful "spirit" takes over his body and does horrible things while he's still asleep. Just the other night he cut, stabbed, and hit himself in his sleep. This is why he has countless bruises and scars all over his body.
  Then he realized something.

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