[003] game on

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[ THREE: game on ]

     REI SCOURED THE the lower level of the parking-lot, determined to outperform each and every player present in this game.

Transcending her peers was something she'd done for years and years of her life. She was a unique vessel, non-replicated and shiny, housing an unnatural greed for omniscience inside of her. She believed that there was more to life than what met the naked eye, aspiring to peel back its earthy layers to find the magma boiling beneath, steaming and brimming with knowledge and secrets. Perhaps this alternate reality was just the same, but she'd have to endure this game of life and death to attain the freedom she longed for.

     "I'm taking levels two and three. I'll let you know if I see anyone heading down." Rei nodded presently to Minoru. He was prowling around, movements animalistic, waiting for a member of the blue team to trap in his claws.

"Okay." He winked at her, light auburn hair obscuring the hungry glint in his eyes. He needed it cut, Rei thought. "When you get tagged, just scream my name and I'll come save you."

She glared at his handsomely smug face. "Let the flag out of your sight and I'll break your jaw."

Rei didn't wait around for a (probably sarcastic) retaliation, choosing to make for the incline rather than stairs to make it to the second level. She spotted a few blues on their half of the border, lingering and readying to cross the line.

From upstairs, yells of agony echoed against the stone pillars of the lot, indicating that people had been tagged and stunned. She prayed silently that it wasn't Kuina. One of the decoys - the pencil-skirt lady - grabbed onto her arm and pressed her mouth to her ear. Rei cringed at their closeness.

"I'll distract whilst you cross the border into the upper levels. I think Kuina said that the flag was probably up there." The lady explained hurriedly.

"Okay." Rei nodded. "Let's go then."

The lady didn't move, however. Rei cleared her throat.

"Any time today would be great."

Shaking, the lady turned to her. She looked lamb-like, lips gaping and trembling with apprehension. "Wait ... I don't want to die."

Rei released a short breath, uncaring to hide her irritation. Now really wasn't the time to be pathetic.

"You won't die if you shut up and use your brain." She snapped, impatient.

The lady blinked, mouth falling even more agape. She looked embarrassed - the way she had when Minoru had shunned her. Rei felt guilty for a split second, softening the blow with syrupy comfort.

     "I'll get the flag and you won't die. Promise."

The lady nodded, the tension in her muscles unknotting as she swallowed thickly. She muttered a short prayer before taking off running across the border, immediately sparking the attention of the blues as they scampered after her. She made for the ramp, sparing Rei a desperate glance over her shoulder. A sacrificial lamb, she thought. How unfortunate.

One of the blues still lingered, however, watching her intently. She noticed his intruding gaze drop to her chest, hips and exposed stomach as he smirked lustfully. He was swaying slightly on his feet - was he drunk? Her lips curved downwards with disgust as she began scheming.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2023 ⏰

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