Venom Sucking

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Water surrounded me— gulping my entire body down it's cold throat.

I could feel chill bumps cover my skin. I'm falling hopelessly down into the water in panic trying to swim up but feeling too cold to do so and having nothing to push up with.

My eyes finally open and I can only see a few things like the moon above, and students on the surface looking down. Other than that, I'm blind. I feel mud and rocks under my feet— the pond isn't never ending after all.

I push up against the mud, trying to swim my way up to the top as I bite my cheek, biting back my fear and hoping to keep my mouth shut from getting water inside my lungs.

I find myself almost to the top when something crawls on my leg. I thrash around and swim higher sending whatever it was away from me. I feel something run across my arm and stop, shaking my arm. Something else moves down my legs and then another slithers up my body.

I panic, and get that feeling where I'm about to cry even though I can't in water it still hurts. I know that one thing on me is a snake but the other two could be anything.

My eyes go wide as I panic to breathe. I clutch my throat, swimming higher even though I more creatures run along my body. My chest aches and I'm dying to taste oxygen.

I finally reach the top, spreading my hand out and clutching the grass of the surface with my head still under water. I can hear people yelling back and forth at someone but at the moment— I'm not curious as to why or who.

I lift my head up, taking in all the air quickly before repeating it. I blink once after realizing everyone was to busy yelling at... the red head? But she's the one who dared me, shouldn't they be, I dunno, congratulating her?

I began moving my legs up when I feel bugs and the snake move along on them. My chest feels with fear and I can tell I'm about to cry. I move one leg and shudder when I feel little legs crawl across it. The snake slithers around my other leg, tightening itself there and my vision gets blurry as tears fill my eyes. I began crying non stop and shake violently.

"K-kris? Kris! Everyone, he's alive! Hey, everyone! Look, look! Kris is alive!" Some guy yelled but I didn't look up since I was crying in terror. I just hope to god someone helps me from the snake, and this embarrassment.

"See, I'm not a murderer, Tyler!" An annoying feminine voice said and I have no doubt that it's the red head.

I felt somebody beginning pulling me up out of the water. That's when the snake slithered higher until his head was at my hip, I widened my eyes as I felt it's tongue. No... no, no, no! Sto -

"Aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed as I felt it's teeth sink into my hip, pain feeling thorough my body. More tears fell from my face and I looked to meet Tyler's panic gaze.

"What, what's wrong?!" He said hastily.

"Aghhh! Snake! He-help." I managed through sobs and pants.

He looked confused but then looked down on my body and his eyes widened at the sight of the snake. It slithered higher on my body and Tyler pulled me up out of the water.

"Skylar! Get over hear, quick." Tyler yelled looking over his shoulder.

Everyone grew quiet, the whole class looking at me. Making me feel naked which I practically was in only boxers which made me feel insecure at the moment. I whimpered as the snake crawled up my torso. I could finally see it now, it being a-a ... The Cottonmouth Water Moccasin with it's skin black, and up to thirty inches. They're known to linger beside the edges on logs or rocks, so it must've jumped in when it saw me.

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