Jock 8 - Zachery

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I was nervous, something I rarely am when I go out clubbing with my friends. This time though, I was nervous as hell. Probably has something to do with the fact that Tiago is coming. Groaning I rub my face, don't even get me started about that. The reason for my nervousness is obviously the fact that we are going to a place where according to Kev a lot of seriously good-looking people are going to be, and there might be a possibility that you might lose him to one of them.

NO! I do not want to pursue that particular train of thought.

Angrily I grab my wallet and stuff it in my pocket, a little too aggressively; it tore at the edge of the pocket. My shoulders slump at the discovery of the torn pocket. I look around for another pair when I see that Tiago is holding a safety pin in his hands, and using it to fix the pocket. "It should hold, as long as you don't stuff things into it too aggressively." He said with a slight smile.

I was still grumbling about things being unfair as the doorbell rang. Great Kev's here.

Before Tiago leaves the room I grab his arm "No matter what you stay near me okay? I don't want to lose you in that kind of crowd." I search Tiago's face for any sign of amusement, before he surprises me with a quick peck on the lips, and saunters out the door.

When I get down I see Tiago talk to a guy I don't recognise and feel a possessive streak roar through my body. He is mine! The other guy must have noticed my death stare and looked up to me only to reveal dark green eyes that belong to Kev. "Kev? That you?" Kev just smiles as the confusion must have shown on my face. "Yeah, I didn't recognise him either when I opened the door." Mom came back from the kitchen, "Kev told me you guys are going to that new club in town. Please promise me you boys will be careful, I have heard a lot of negative comments about that place." Mom's worried face only added to my possessiveness of Tiago, "Sure mom we're only going to be there for a few hours tops, that is if we're not kicked out due to Carter's antics."

Mom smiled as I said that, everybody knows Carter can be a bit of a handful when he is drunk. He is not a bad drunk perce but he does have a burning need to prove himself to everybody. Felling at ease mom walked back to the kitchen to do whatever she was doing. "Bye mom, Bye Mrs Chambers!" We all yelled as we put on our coats and walked out the front door to Kev's car.

The ride to the club was done in silence; Kev was lost in his own thoughts, making it impossible for a conversation. Kev looked so tense that the smallest distraction could make him lose control over whatever demons he was facing right now.

When we arrived at the club we could see two kinds of people; the serious people and the people who were there just for fun like us. The people who were there for fun stuck out like sore thumbs; all of us were dressed in lighter colours than the others; they all were black or dark blue colours. That way it will be easier to keep track of people.

They even went as far as making two lines; the one for the initiates was very small, and the other one was pretty big. So we joined the big line, after standing there a while I noticed that Carter and the rest hadn't shown up yet. "Does anybody know where Carter and the rest are? Usually, they would be here already?" Kev was the owner who answered me "They are already in the club, just got a text from Carter asking where we were." And he was right, just as he finished that sentence I felt my phone buzz and as I checked the text content it was like Kev said, they were already inside. Cursing under my breath I really hoped that the line would quickly move.

When it was finally our turn to be allowed in, people in the entrance behind the bouncer started trouble. We all heard the voluminous voice of Carter yell: "Get your hands off me! I am already leaving so FUCK OFF!" Kev's shoulders sagged slightly with relief, it meant we didn't need to go in. We waited patiently until the second bouncer had worked out the people clogging up the entrance. First to arrive was Carter; he looked flustered and angry, next was his on-and-off girlfriend Chelsea, followed by Tom, Jeremy and several others from the basketball and cheerleaders team.

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