Jock 22 - Zachery

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Finally, the day of graduation is here! I will be glad once this day is over! I groan as mom fusses with the length of my gown again. Dad just smiles at me, his expression telling me to endure it until it's over. Don't know if I will make it to the end. Luckily for me, Tiago walked in and mom fussed about the length of his gown too, but unlike me, he didn't seem to mind it at all he enjoyed it. And I have to say he looked absolutely beautiful in his gown; soft dark hair, and beautiful caramel skin complimented by the blue of the gown, he looked sinful. My body reacted before I knew what I was doing; I had my arms tightly wrapped around him and my lips covering his. It shocked mom and dad into silence before they recovered and cleared their throats.

After that we were surrounded by awkwardness; mom and dad didn't know how to deal with the public display, and me not wanting to let go of Tiago or let him out of my sight. When we finally arrived at school, we were glad to be out of the car and the suffocating silence. I smiled when I spotted my grandparents, aunts and uncles and their children, my whole family was here now. Pulling Tiago close I hear him sigh, "We are going to graduate huh?" I smile looking at the school building that holds some good and bad memories, mostly good memories; all the little stolen moments with Tiago in the library, deserted hallways and classrooms. 

He looked at me with a raised eyebrow "You just thought of something perverted didn't you?" Gasping at him, he smiles and wriggles out of my grasp and walks over to Jackson to speak with him, leaving me behind shaking my head. I feel a hand on my shoulder "We are going to do this huh?" I don't look up to know it's Kev; he is the only one who besides Tiago and Jackson talks to me. I do feel sad that the rest of the team or Carter won't talk to me; I had hoped we could have at least had a civil conversation, but that wasn't in the plans as most of them give me the cold shoulder or outright ignore me.

The fact I have to stand between Carter and Tom wasn't a place I wanted to be, Tom was okay; we never really talked all that much, but it was Carters' hateful glare behind my back that made me very uncomfortable. The mere thought of standing before Carter dampened my spirits, it made me just wish I had a fast-forward button in life so I can skip the awkwardness of standing in front of Carter and having to endure his hateful gaze. "What's wrong querido? Why are you down all of a sudden?" Tiago looked a bit worried, smiling slightly so as not to worry him I say "I just thinking of standing in front of Carter and hating it." 

Tiago hugs me tight in response, "Just hang in there, and we have something to look forward to don't we?" he says with his forehead pressed against mine, "Try thinking of the positives and it will be fine okay?" He gives me a stern look before he pecks me lightly on the lips and walks off as a teacher calls out to him about something. Sighing I watch him talk and laugh a little with other students. Kev just snickers at me, I glare at him to shut up, something he ignores as he keeps snickering. "I hear you and Tiago are going some holiday house park and your mom's paying?" I hear Jackson ask. Turning to him with one last glance at Tiago I smile a bit more "Yeah, apparently the place is run by Amy's brother and it's for four weeks and no parents." Both are watching with bulging eyes, "So no parents whatsoever?" I laugh outright at their faces "Yup! It's just going to be and T for four weeks in a reasonably big house." I smile at the thought.

"Well isn't that nice." a voice sneers, sighing I turn and see a furious-looking Carter glare at me. "Nobody asked you for your opinion on this Carter. Why don't you just walk along and pretend you never heard it." I wave my hand dismissively at him. I could see that he was about to blow up at me, that was until his dad put a hand on his shoulder and dragged him away from me. "You need to stop messing like that with Carter." Kev said, "You two were great friends before all of this happened, can't you just try and talk it out?" 

I rubbed my face "I tried several times to talk with him about it, but he shot me down every time. After a while I just gave up on trying to talk to him, I will talk to him if he's willing but by the looks of it, it won't happen any time soon." I spread my arms wide "What else would you have me do?" Both looked uncomfortable, even though they didn't know what to do with the situation. "Well, it's not like you didn't try," Jackson said as he clapped me on the shoulder and walked off towards the teacher who was calling us to assemble.

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