Jock 26 - Zachery

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I was glad we had awesome sex before mom and dad got here, I am pretty sure we won't get to kiss or touch each other now they are here. The first few days when we got here we were both very excited; no parents to interrupt us, and everything would be great! To be honest, I had to get used to all the open affection shown all around us, but it didn't last long before we got used to it; I got used to publicly kissing him and no one making a big deal out of it. Even though I publicly claimed him as mine, some people at the park still went after Tiago. Luckily their partners told them not to be stupid and saved us all from some bloody fights that may have occurred otherwise. Other than that things were fine; we checked out the park and went rowing with the boats every day since we rescued that kid; but we never saw him again sadly. I hope he's doing okay now.

Because we're doing different things every day, most of the park knew us by now and we knew most of the other residents. We had people over for dinner nearly every other day, or we were invited to have dinner at other houses. It felt grown up and like we were living in our own house. I liked the feeling of living away from home; it was a feeling of having the freedom to choose what to do with my time and not caring what my parents would say. One day Tiago told me he was looking forward to us buying our own house and living our own lives, for as far as mom would let us. That made me think when we were going to live together we need to set mom some rules or some particular days she could visit, otherwise, she might be over every day and we will never have some private time. Something I can't live without.

I was glad to be sexually satisfied before mom and dad came, I expected her to rant and rave and possibly a tear or two. However, I wasn't ready for her to jump me and hug me to an inch of my life; for a woman her size she had quite some strength in her skinny arms. When she was finished hugging me she turned to Tiago while her mouth was going a mile a minute. Dad just shook his head at her while I talked to him about getting the car to our house. We decided it was for the best that I would drive with him to the house while mom and Tiago walked. 

While driving there dad told me all about what happened since we left; it became apparent that in our absence Jackson and Kev had grown closer together. I guess that's a good thing; I don't think Jackson had a lot of friends, and Kev was always open to new friends. Before we left they were pretty close, but now they seemed to have grown even closer. Not surprising; but I was a little shocked at the swiftness of the whole thing. Me and dad were loading the suitcases into the house when mom and Tiago walked up the driveway. Mom was practically glowing, "I am so glad you two managed to make so many new friends honey!" she squealed as she walked past me into the house. 

That's why it took them way longer than necessary to get here. They must have been stopped multiple times.

Mom and dad were also in slight awe that they had done up the house within the time of our arrival. Especially the kitchen; just like Tiago's expression mom stood there for a little while before snapping out of it and started to fuss about it. Just like back home mom and Tiago were in the kitchen, me and dad were in the open plan living room talking about everything and nothing. That night mom made us dinner; some homemade bread and pork chops with mashed potatoes and some veggies. We were interrogated by mom about all the things we did and all the people we met. We shared a good few laughs, and mom told us all the latest gossip and told us grandma and grandpa would like us to visit before starting school again. They usually give me some money to start the year. I was excited to start college, but also a bit apprehensive to be apart from Tiago for so long.

The next morning I woke up to a warm body beside me and the fresh smell of coffee. I smiled as I snuggled closer to Tiago; glad that he was still there. "Morning querido, sleep well?" he said as he brushed a hand through my hair. "Hmm, yeah. But I like it better that you're still here with me." I said before kissing him. "Boys! Breakfast is ready!" mom called from downstairs; groaning I bury my face in Tiago's neck and grind lightly against him. "Come on querido, let's not keep mom waiting." He said beginning to detangle himself from me. I clench him tighter to me "No, not yet." and place lightly open-mouthed kisses along his neck, making him groan. I drop all my weight on him making him grunt with effort, I heard the floorboards creak; mom or dad must be on their way up. "So have you thought about where we might go for our honeymoon?" I asked shifting back a little so he might answer.

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