darkness to light

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"Tiri....we have to get out of here" Te'rani said.

Neytiri didn't make eye contact with her. She only looked below as tears flowed on her wet face. She shook her head.

Te'rani's heart sank. "Tiri...please"

More tears flowed down Neytiri's face. She was saying no. For the first time, she just wanted it to end. She felt weak. She felt tired. Everything hurt.

She had failed to keep her family safe. They should have never left the forest. They should have never put Te'rani and the Metkayina's life in danger.

She had failed the Great Mother.

"Tiri..." Te'rani looked below them. She had to find a way out of her. Neytiri couldn't waste her energy. It was up to Te'rani to test the water.

"I'm gonna be back, I'm going to find a way out for us, okay?" Te'rani said, hope in her voice. A hope that Neytiri lost already.

Neytiri still didn't do so much as look at her. She couldn't, it was all her fault. She put everyone she loved in danger.

"Neytiri" Te'rani placed her hand softly on her cheek, making her finally look at her.

"I love you, okay? I can't lose you" She confessed. "I won't" she promised.

Neytiri blinked a tear away as she took in those words. Those words that meant everything.

She felt her arms line up with goosebumps. Maybe it was the cold water, but it really was just its contrast to the warmth that sentence gave her.

Te'rani softly brought Neytiri's head to meet her forehead. They both closed their eyes. Neytiri felt light. Maybe it was blood loss, maybe the fact that they were probably going to die, but that moment just made everything worth it.

Neytiri didn't know if they had much time left. Every cell in her body was screaming at her to do something, say something. As their foreheads were touching, she moved closer and her lips met her's.

Te'rani's heart stopped. That feeling. That feeling of her lips of her's. That feeling she waited so long to feel, it was finally here. They both froze.

Te'rani felt her lips slowly - and even shyly - touch her's. Her eyes were closed. Her lips left agape when Neytiri's pulled away. She had to feel more. Just once.

Te'rani moved her hand behind Neytiri's head, pulling her closer. She tasted blood on her lips, and salt water. But neither cared.

Te'rani pulled away, and put their foreheads together again.

"I love you" She repeated.

Neytiri breathlessly stared at her. She felt safe in her presence, and faithful in her promise to come back for her.

She watched Te'rani leave. The lights around her glitched off.

She looked around and moved closer to the corner, praying that the air pocket would last, praying that Te'rani would be safe, and that her children were as well.


Lo'ak swam with a flashlight, barely being able to see his surroundings.

He heard someone swimming near him.

He turned, startled. But when his light shone on the creator of this sound, she too seemed shocked.

Te'rani. Lo'ak felt relieved. So did she, not expecting him to be here at all.

Her eyes were wide. She began to sign to him. "Follow me, your mother needs help"

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