The part the part parts (:

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"I like you, Nat"
"What I mean to say is... I Like Like you Nat"

(Feel free to listen song above)

I walk towards the living room holding Wanda's hand tight not wanting to let go, not wanting to forget her touch.

"I like you too" I react only having focus for her. Soon I find her hands and cup her face so that she's looking at me and our lips connect. Its like a puzzle fitting perfectly on each other and I let my tong slip into her mouth turning the kiss more pasionate than I imagined.
She tasted nice, like raspberries, and lipgloss making a smoothie for me to enjoy.
I didn't want it to be over, but my breath was running out. She breaks the kiss and looks at me with passion. "Dear Natasha Romanov, do you want to be my girlfriend"
"YES" I express realising only seconds later how loud I said it

And so that's why we're here!
Walking nervously towards the living room.
Hand in hand

Peter's Pov

I wake up disorientated thinking I'm back at the old apartment. I shake myself awake and reality reveals itself. My shaky breath slows down and the cold air turns warm in a matter of seconds. It was late I could tell by the dark sky shining through the window.
Nah I was too tired for all of this, I think to myself and I crawl back to my bed falling asleep before Olive could even ask me if I wanted dinner.


3rd Pov
As Peter woke up he ran down the stairs with good mood, even though he wasn't very hungry he quickly grabbed a pack of fruit and jumped out the door opening one of his wounds from yesterday.
While walking he pulled up his hoodie countless times to not reveal the three lines that started in his neck.

Since it was Friday and Peter didn't have school he could spent more time at the tower, he was excited as always, but a bit nervous. In the end, Tony and Pepper knew one of his secrets, and so does Nat. (At the adoption centre they don't let you read trauma parts, the child had to tell then personally when they feel comfortable enough)His anxiety always got the most of him and when he finally arrived at the tower his hands and fingers had been scratched and pulled open badly.

"Hiya Peter!"
Pepper said enthusiastically giving Peter a wink.
"Tony and I almost have everything ready" she whispered in my ear.


Peter smiled wanting to make her happy. But if he was going to be honest, he was so scared, and nervous.
Jumping in the elevator and pressing button 87 his hands started shaking again. This wasn't happening now was it?

Steve's Pov
We were all sitting on the couch having a stare contest, don't even ask why. It started off by Sam getting angry at Bucky and grabbing my shield throwing it at buckethat, what resulted in Bucky catching the shield and letting it drop, feeling everyone feel the vibration, and joining us in the living room. Tony started lurking his coffee and Wanda and Nat disappeared into one of their rooms, leaving me to take care of Thor, Bruce, Rhodey, Vision, Pietro, Clint and Loki.
Ofcourse Vision won, I mean he is a robot (kinda)
But all our eyes got caught at the elevator door which opened up revealing our beloved Peter.

"Peter!" Tony said, clearly not expecting peter to come to the tower today.
I flinch slightly when I hear bucky whisper in my ear. "Come on lets go!"
He started pulling my shirt leading me to my room and grabbing a bag of chips in the meantime...

Yeah yeah I know what you're thinking
And I'm thinking the same thing...
I've been having a pretty bad crush on Bucky for the last couple of months but I just didn't want to except it, but its just... I mean look at him he's perfect.

At that exact moment he smiles twisting his head ever so slightly that our eyes lock.
He laughs grabbing me, slurring me on the bed making one of his bucky jokes.


Nah, that explosion wasn't my fault... I think. Alright let me explain, when Mr. Stark ran to his lab there was only one outcome possible. Well it may have been my fault. Mr. Stark was closing one of his secret chests, and I grabbed a neon blue glowing gun out of it and accidently shot myself.... I KNOW HOW COULD I EVEN DO THAT.

I stumbled back in pain grabbing my side.
"Peter!" Mr. Stark  said concerned. "Let me take a look at that" he continued. I mean I didn't want him to see the new bruises and I quickly stood up walking to the bathroom, saying; I'm fine, don't worry. But in reality I was far from fine, my head was starting to pound and i got this cough stuck in my throat.
"Fudge this" I say to myself while scrambrling from the hard floor.

"Hey mr. Stark... sorry for my dissapearance..."
Yeah the converstation got a little akward after that, but... I had to go home anyways so yeah.

I said my goodbyes to everyone and hurried home, eating an apple for dinner falling asleep on top of the bunk bed when Olive switches of the lights.

Clint's POV
No!! Has Peter already left?! I ask to Tony who was grabbing a black coffee.
I won't say that I got excited with his answer because he only gave me a small nod.

I turn around and get ready to jump in a vent when all of the sudden, Natasha pops up in front of me making hand motions for me to be silent

"Do you want to know what I think" she says maybe a little to loud.
"I think. They're going to adopt Peter"
"Wait who?! Steve and his weird dog" I ask confused
Natasha lets out some sort of grunt.
"No leaking brain, Tony and Pepper of course"
How do you know that for sure?!
I ask while big rain drops come falling from the sky, hitting the big glass windows harder then expected.
Then she begins... "Well-"

Go follow them, they're one of my amazing readers and I appreciate y'all very much.

Not story-related morse code
-.--   ---   ..-    /  -..  ---  -.  .-..-.  -  /  ..- -.  -..   .   .-.   ...   -   .-   -.   -..

ALSO I RECENTLY WATCHED THE WIZARD OF OZ (for the first time, I know way to late, and It was so sad already knowing what went on behind the camera) AND THE BLACK PHONE, probably one of the best movies I've ever seen. Its my kind of movie for sure!

I think dont_mind_me_xx will love it as well!
So uhm I'd say watch it!
Its on soap movie site thing. You know it!

Anyway... everyone... MANOU IS BACK EVERYONE APPLAUD!!!

Hiya! I'm back, some personal stuff happened, and I'll explain soon, don't worry I'm not leaving you all behind, with an unfinished book. <3

And again as always
Eat some drink some 🍕🍩🍓 🥛🧃
Take meds if you need them (and they are ment for you!!!!) 💊
I love you, We love you💕❤️💖
Kisses Manou and Lena ✨💋


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