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You opened your eyes staring at the ceiling, you slowly started to realize the different environment you were in

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You opened your eyes staring at the ceiling, you slowly started to realize the different environment you were in. Your walls weren't black.. so where are you?

You turned your body laying on your side, a fucking beauty beast sleeping next to you. With no shirt on..

What the fuck.

You quickly checked under the covers wearing an oversized t-shirt that clearly isn't yours.. You gasped sitting up in the bed, " Did I.. have sex with this stranger?" You mumbled to yourself.

Did this mysterious man take advantage of me?

I grabbed the pillow I was laying on, and stood up on the bed, slamming the guy with the pillow and waking him up in an instant.

" What the fuck!?" He yelled rubbing his eyes to get his vision right.

" why are you in bed with me..?" You asked still holding onto the pillow,

" You seriously don't remember?" He asked cocking his head.  " Get down from the fucking bed physco." He commanded, aggressively pointing his index finger at you as he rolled out of bed and stormed out of his room.

After like 10 minutes of you being in his room trying to remember you gave up and walked out of his room finding him in the kitchen making coffee

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After like 10 minutes of you being in his room trying to remember you gave up and walked out of his room finding him in the kitchen making coffee.

" want some?" He offered pouring himself coffee into a cup, still shirtless.. man he's so fucking SEXY.

" Yeah sure, my head is killing me." I rubbed my forehead taking a seat at the island counter.  The kitchen was pretty nice it had marble countertops and a dishwasher it was pretty clean and the graffiti on the walls made the whole vibe complete, Plus the view from the window was amazing.

He handed you a cup of black coffee, leaning against the kitchen counter with his arms crossed and taking small sips of his drink.

There was a loud moment of silence as you both drank coffee. " So.. we didn't like fuck or anything right?" You asked with hope in your eyes he'd say yes.

" No, we didn't. The only reason we were sleeping in the same bed was that you begged me to stay with you."

You flopped down in disappointment when he said you didn't have sex but then realized what he said after that.

You batted your eyes in disbelief.

Me? beg?

"Huh..?" She stammered a bit.

What the fuck?

What the fuck?

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" Hey, guy." I patted him on his back, "I'm not going to be your sex slave right?". I asked as he opened the door to his house.

" Do you want to be?" He teased, pulling you inside his apartment.

you eyed his apartment the stench of weed hitting your senses. He had graffiti all over his walls, instruments everywhere, books literally everything you can imagine.

" You got a whole dump in here." You walked around his apartment stumbling around as you walked you. As you walked into the living room you heard a meow. You looked behind the couch and saw a black kitten.

" Oh my god! A cat, aww!" You yelled in awe of the cat as you were about to grab the cat he quickly hid under the couch.

You bent over, laying on your tummy your cheek resting on the floor as you tried reaching for the cat under the couch.

"Alright." The man sighed in annoyance watching as you laid on his floor, acting like it was your first time seeing a cat. " Let's get you to bed." He bent over, picked you up from the floor, putting you on his shoulder. You whined and began kicking and punching his back. " I'm not tired! I want to see the cat!"

" Yeah?" he glanced at you with a stern face, "Well I don't care." He walked into his room throwing you on his bed with no regard for actually treating you with care.

he put the blankets over you, turning on the fan. " don't you dare get out of bed." He warned you with a Stern face pointing at you with his index finger.

as he slowly began to walk away you ratted out something without thinking.

" don't leave! Sleep with me.." you said as your face saddened " I don't wanna be alone, please.."

he crossed his arms, staring down at you.

he let out a loud sigh.

I'm going to regret this am I? He asked himself.

" Fine." He hissed under his breath gritting his teeth.

" Oh shit

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" Oh shit. I'm so sorry." She looked down at her coffee too embarrassed to make eye contact. Especially since she made a fool out of herself in front of a hot guy.

" Nah you're good. But now that you have come to your senses. I have a proposal." Eren put his coffee down, grabbed a box of cigarettes taking one out of the box. Putting it up to his lips lighting it up. He inhaled the smoke soon after exhaling it.

" I want you to join my band."

Those words struck you a bit. You quit singing to focus on your studies but.. you couldn't help your gut feeling telling you this was a good idea.

 you couldn't help your gut feeling telling you this was a good idea

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FADE INTO YOU- ERENJEAGER Where stories live. Discover now