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Chapter 12

Jamie Cooper examined herself carefully in her bedroom mirror. She strained to see as much as she could of the back of her head and neck, but found no sign of burns.

I already told you I made sure there'd be no infection or damage done to you, didn't I? What reason would I have to lie? It'd hardly benefit me to sabotage your health, would it?

Just wanted to put my mind at ease, that's all. Like I said, I'm grateful for what you did.

Still feels like you don't entirely trust me. You're one-hundred percent good as new, promise. Since when did you start acting so concerned and fussy about your appearance anyway? Wouldn't have anything to do with a certain Miss Archer arriving on the scene, would it?

Shut it, brat. Jamie studied herself, noting that every bit of skin she could see looked chalk-pale as ever, with not a bit of redness.

Allowing herself to relax, she ran her fingers through her short black hair and wondered if she could actually be fanciable if she made an effort, If it helps to pull Meredith, its certainly worth a try.

Jamie's thoughts were interrupted by a soft quiet meow from Senna, who was pressing affectionately against her legs, in an obvious plea for attention and adoration. Jamie crouched down and affectionately rubbed his fur and belly to indulge him. The Sphynx purred contentedly. After ten minutes Senna was satisfied and gratefully licked her fingers before pawing at the door.

"You already had your dinner an hour ago, Senna. I'm not over-feeding you," Jamie told him sternly but warmly, "How 'bout a nice saucer of milk? Will that do you?" Senna gave a small meow and she smiled, "Ok, let's get you sorted, little buddy."

She studied herself for a moment. She was wearing tattered jeans and a black t-shirt with a message which read 'Conformity is enslavement. Freedom is being true to yourself.' Her paranoia gone, Jamie opened the door and strode into the main room with Senna at her heels.

"Here she is, the million dollar baby herself!" Frankie boomed the moment she emerged, giving a round of applause. The pride upon his face was downright bizarre to Jamie, "You got the talent after all, J!"

"Oh quit that Unc, will ya?" she replied uncomfortably, but oddly pleased to have earned a bit of his approval, "I'm not proud of what I did and I won't start making it a habit. Also that movie's ending was lousy."

"Hey, that movie's a fucking masterpiece! Don't you knock it." Frankie grinned and turned to the kitchen counter as the kettle boiled. Jamie flinched as she remembered her earlier agony, but Frankie didn't notice, "As for what you did, good on ya I say! Don't let anyone tell ya different! The Lynfords have always been political cunts and a blight on Vorford. No wonder they lost the election. And their teenage daughter ain't no different from what I've seen. Smug, vain, snobby, bratty, arrogant, acts like a tart...little bitch deserved a good sock to the jaw. Trying to dump tea on ya like that."

Jamie said nothing; she'd let him assume Isabella had missed her rather than explain how else she wasn't injured just hours after the incident. She flinched again as her uncle poured his tea, steering clear. She opened the fridge and frowned as she rummaged for milk. Senna meowed softly.

"Oh I just used up the last of it, my bad," Frankie said carelessly, holding the empty carton, "If that cat's so desperate for more, go get some yourself. Don't see why I should pay for all the shopping anyways."

Jamie bit back a retort, not wanting to start another argument with her uncle, especially with him being in a good mood, "Fine, I'll nip out to the corner shop then. Won't be long."

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