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I hear my sister calling my name from outside the house.

I go to my open window in my room and see that she is sitting down in the garden that our mom fixed so carefully just a few weeks ago.

"Victoria, what are you doing in the garden? You know how mom would go crazy if she finds out you're messing around with her flowers!", I holler down.

"I'm not hurting them! Why don't you come down and she for yourself, Mr. Bossy pants?!", Victoria shot back.

"Okay, be there in a sec!"

It was our summer vacation, and our parents were at work, but they would be home in a few hours. They let us stay home alone because they thought that my sister was old enough to take care of both of us. She was 13, and I was turning 9 in November. I couldn't wait for my birthday, it was only in three months. I had asked my parents to buy me a new skateboard because my old one was - well old, and it has belonged to Victoria, so it was a hand-me-down.

"So what are ya doin?", I asked when I finally got downstairs and walked to her.

"Come. Look.", she whispered loudly.

As I looked down, I saw that she had a baby birds in her left hand. And with her right hand, she was pulling out blades of grass, and fixing them onto a nest on the dirt of the garden. The baby bird looked hurt.

"Wanna help me?"

I nodded.

"Okay. Find a bunch of little sticks and small leaves that we can use," she told me.

I started collecting sticks and leaves, and anything else that would make the baby bird a good nest. When I was done, I handed her the things I collected.

"Awesome, Dylan, that's good stuff! Alright I'll put the sticks fist to make a sort of structure for the nest, and then we'll...

*10 minutes later*

"I'm so glad we got to help the baby, it looks real comfortable in the nest!", she said as she stood up to admire it.

"I know it looks cozy", I replied.

For a few minutes we were just watching the bird get settled in its nest, then Victoria startled me.

"Hey you. Wanna go ride your board?", she asked me, nugging my arm.

"Of course, you know I'll always agree to that! Come on let's go get them."

We ran inside the house to get them. I went to my room and she went to hers.

"So I was telling mom and dad if they could get me a new board for my birthday since mine is getting worn out?", I yelled to her from my bedroom.

"Yea I think you deserve one. You got a pretty good report card from school. So that's cool, I think they'll get it for you", she called back.

"You really think so?", I asked as we headed out the door, each with our board in our arm.

"Don't worry, I think I heard them talking about it last night, and they even asked me which one they should get you. I chose the awesomest one of course!"

*45 minutes later*

When we were done skating , she offered to make us brownies for lunch, but said she would only agree if I didn't tell mom because mom doesn't like us eating "junk food" for lunch. She knew how much I loved them, so she volunteered.

"You know how much I love them!", I told her from my seat on the couch. I was watching Ferris Buellers Day Off, it was one of my favorite movies.

"Yeah I know, silly, that's why I'm making them", she yelled from the kitchen as she turned on the oven to let it warm up.

When she was done preparing the batter she put it into a pan and placed it in the oven. She came over and sat next to me on the couch and started watching the movie with me.

"I'm so disappointed in Cameron! Twenty bucks says he's in his car right now debating on whether or not to go out," I quote Ferris.

"He'll keep calling me. He'll keep calling me until I come over. He'll make me feel guilty. This is uh... This is ridiculous, ok I'll go, I'll go, I'll go, I'll go. What - I'LL GO. Shit!", my sister quotes Cameron.

We both know this movie like the back of our hands. We know every word, even if it was a cuss word. We were only supposed to watch it when our parents were there became it was rated PG-13, even though Victoria was already 13!

When the brownies were ready, my sister got up and took them out of the oven, and cut the big brownie into small squares. She served us both, and got milk out of the fridge. Gosh I loved my sister, I thought.

Our parents came home just when the movie is finishing.

"So what have you kids done all day?! Just get yourselves into trouble?", my mom asks.

"No," me and my sister smile at each other, sharing a knowing look.

Hey guys!! This is my first story, so hopefully it will be okay. I will try to update as soon as I can!

Oh and the picture at the top of the chapter was the movie that Dylan was watching.  

- thank you for choosing to check out my story! :)

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