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Hi, I'm the uh author. I just wanted to say a few things before I start my actual story.

I based a few characters on people I know in real life. Names are changed but personality and looks are the same. The main character is based off myself. I do have epilepsy and everything surrounding that is accurate. 

This story includes many warnings, I couldn't even. There's lots of mention of gore and guts, there's curse words, smut warning, anything you can think of that's bad, just think before reading. I have to say 18+ but yknow... you do you.

Just for fun, I shall let you guys know who isn't based off people I know. Silas Hernandez is not based off anyone I know. I mean COME ON. If I knew someone as hot as how i've described him, I'd die. Silas and his backstory is all make belief. Well actually the whole story is but you know what i'm saying. Silas and his whole family does not exist either. Riley isn't someone I know, she seems like a dope person though. Harvey is not someone I know either which is a shame because he's the cutest little pipsqueak ever. 

However, Scarlett, Josephine, and Aurora (Me) are people that i've based my characters after. There may be more people I base my characters on, but I have not created them yet.

Now, I will talk a little about my epilepsy and what is said further on in the chapters. I have been diagnosed over a year ago, I do know my triggers, I know what to do, I know Aurora is a tad bit dumb (You'll see), but as I am writing her, I do have to remember that she is me. My feelings about my disorder is shown and it should not change your opinion on the disorder.  

Anywhoozle, enjoy my story. :)

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