💙 The First Date//I Think I Love You 💙

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Gray's POV

Ok, today's the day. Me and Juv have been dating for a few weeks now, and I told her that we're going out to a movie. Then, we were going to go to a nice restaurant. Yeah, yeah I know, cliché movie and dinner. But it's the thought that counts. I went outside, and I was welcomed with non other than... RAIN?!? SERIOUSLY?!?
ON OUR FIRST FRICKING DATE?!??!?! I sighed heavily, and stomped angrily inside. I plopped down on the couch and pouted in frustration.

I looked over at Juvia, and she was smiling.
How the hell could she smile when it's raining on our date?!? She came over and sat on my lap, and started poking my face. "Gray-samaaaaa, why are you frowning? As cute as you are, I don't like when you look upset. Sooooo, SMILEEE!!" I replied with,"Why should I? Babe, the rain. Is ruining. Our date."

"So, why don't we just have our date night inside? The kids are spending the night at Natsu and Lucy's house." I gave her the 'okay okay, fine look, and she smiled. She briefly closed the gap between us, and broke it off. I blushed hard, and tried to hide it. "OMG it's so cute when you blush, Gray-sama."

This comment just made me blush harder. "Ok how about...um.......idk..Netflix and chillll....???" I slowly suggested. She smiled and said sure, and that she was going to make a huge bowl of popcorn.

Juvia's POV

After a few minutes, I came back with a bowl of popcorn, and sat in between Gray's legs, while laying on his chest. We decided to watch season 3 of Riverdale. After two episodes, I felt Gray's hands on my butt, and he squeezed it. I tried and failed to keep quiet. I moaned, and he did it again. After a he did this a few more times, I paused the show, and turned to face him. I pulled him in for a kiss, and we stayed that way for a while. I finally broke it off to talk to him.

"Hey Gray?"

"Yeah, what's up Juvi?"

"I'm so happy it rained."

"Why? It ruined the original plan!"

"Because we got to snuggle and be close. I liked it a lot."

"Hey, you're right."

"Of course I am, teehee!!"

"Juvia? I think I love you..."

"...NANI?!? HONTONI?!? YOU DO?!?"

"Yup, I told you.. you make me feel so different from other people."

"Well.....I think I love you too Gray-sama!"

I can't believe he just said that. I'm so happy right now, I am so glad that I met Gray. Without him, I honestly don't know where I would be right now. Anyway, we got back to the show, and somewhere along the line, we fell asleep, because next thing I know, wake up at 2am. I'm starving, we were supposed to order food, but that's pointless now.

So I got off of Gray, and ventured off to the kitchen for some food. I settled on cooking some ramen for the both of us. So, I got to work cutting up the ingredients I needed. Halfway through cooking, I feel two strong arms wrapping around my waist. I turned to see a half sleeping Gray.

"Are you hungry Gray-sama? I'm making ramen." He smiled and planted a kiss on my cheek. "You are gonna be a good wife to someone someday, you know that, right?" That remark made me blush.

"Hontoni? You think so?" "No, I know so! Now let me help you out." He said, and we got to work. The ramen turned out great, and we ate, while continuing Riverdale. This was by far the best night ever.

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