💙Let's Talk About Us//True Feelings💙

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After the party, everyone left, with the exception of Natsu, Lucy, Nashi, Summer, and Igneel. They stayed to help clean up. Lucy pulled Juvia into a room, and shut the door. She whined in pain, and Lucy apologized quickly. It was only a month since Juvia got out of the hospital, so she was still in pain.

"Sorry Juvi. I didn't meant to hurt you, but I wanted to talk to you. How have you been feeling lately?" Juvia gave a weak smile, but answered. "I've been better. My body is still pretty sore, but I'll live."

"Well that's good to hear. What about you and Gray? Are you guys on good terms again?"
Juvia blushed lightly and smiled. "Yeah, we're great. Better than before actually....Can I tell you something Lucy?" Lucy nodded. "Okay so, back when I was in the hospital, I heard Gray say something about kids and marriage, but I can't remember exactly what."

Lucy's eyes widened, and a huge smile spread on her face. "Oh wow! That's great Juvi! I've never heard GRAY say anything like that since that happened. Lucy was referring to Cana's death.
Juvia nodded slowly. "Well, can you try to remember what he said?" "I'll try my best.

Flashback(if you don't remember this part, go back 4 chapters to read what Gray actually said)

"I'm going to miss you so much baby...You are the fourth most important person in my life....
......left me...I, Gray Michael Fullbuster, swear
off of women......Juvia Elizabeth Lockser, I
love you. Like a lot..... love.....you.......marry......kid or two...."

Present day

Juvia came back from her thoughts. She couldn't remember exactly what Gray had said to her. "I must have been slipping between life and death, because I only remember certain words, the rest is a blur." "Well, what do you remember? It's okay if you don't want to talk about it." Juvia explained to Lucy what she was able to remember.

"Well, I don't know. Maybe you should talk to him about this." Juvia nodded in agreement. Maybe it was time to talk to him about how he feels, and her true feelings for him. "Thanks for the advice Luce, I will talk to Gray." Lucy hugged Juvia, and then they left the room. After the cleaning was finally done, the Dragneels said their goodbyes, and went home.

Juvia decided to talk to him sometime tomorrow. Storm and Sylvie headed upstairs to bed, and Juvia went to find Gray. He was conked out on the couch. Juvia smiled, laughed quietly to herself, and tucked in her beloved Gray-sama.

The next morning...

Juvia awoke with a smile. She headed downstairs, and to her surprise, Gray was already up. "Good morning Gray-sama!! I didn't think you would be up this early on a Saturday." She teased. "Well, when you find yourself conked out on the couch downstairs, without your girlfriend, of course you would be up early." He said, as he mocked her teasing tone.

Gray had already started breakfast. He was making eggs with hashbrowns, bacon, sausages, and toast, and Juvia could hardly wait. "Juvi, you're drooling........I see that you're hungry this morning...." She quickly wiped her mouth and closed it, and Gray laughed at her.

"Hmph, leave Juvia alone Gray-sama!!!!" She whined in the most adorable voice he had ever heard from her. "You sound like a big baby, and why are you suddenly talking in third person?"

"Crap! Juv- I thought I dropped that habit a long time ago. I don't know why I did it again...
.. Anyway, we have to talk Gray. It's abou-"
He cut in before she could explain.

"Fuck! Whatever I did, I'm sorry Juv. Just please don't break up with me. Let me fix i-" She cut him off quickly.

"GRAY-SAMA!! Juvia..I am not breaking up with you. We're not talking about anything bad, so you don't have to worry so much!!" He looked as if a million pounds just got lifted off of him.

"Well that's good to hear. How about we just talk now? It's still pretty early, and the kids won't be up for a long time." She nodded in agreement, took a seat, and motioned for him to do the same.

"So.....what did you want to talk about babe?"
He asked curiously. She took a deep, shaky breath. Juvia did not want to relive that moment, and she knew Gray wouldn't want to either. But she had to know. "I want to talk to you about what you said exactly one month ago, in the hospital. I only heard bits and pieces of it, but I want you to tell me what you were saying."

Gray immediately tensed up at the words one month ago. He was also blushing, because he never thought he would have to tell Juvia what he said to her. He hesitated. "Okay then, is that all?" Juvia nodded slowly, she was awaiting
Gray's words. "Well, I said that....."

Timeskip because...why not??

Juvia was completely shocked. She couldn't believe what Gray told her. "Gray-sama, are you serious? Do you really want that much of a future with me?" Gray nods and gives his girlfriend a big hug, and she winced in response to the sudden action. Her body was still pretty sore. She had taken some pain meds, so they would kick in soon. "But if you're not ready for all of that, or you don't want it, it's fine with me. I just want to enjoy you babe, in any way I can."

Juvia was smiling, and she had tears in her eyes. She loves Gray so much, and nothing could change that feeling. "Gray, whenever you're ready for that, I'll be ready too. I love you Gray fricking Fullbuster, and I will love you forever and always." Juvia kissed him, which caught him by surprise, but he kissed back passionately. He went ahead and finished making breakfast, with the intention of attacking Juvia afterwards.

He led her to the couch, and pinned her down on it. Juvia couldn't take it anymore. She
removed Gray's shirt, and traced lines all over his impeccable abs with her fingers. He undid Juvia's pajama top, and attacked her breasts through her lacy blue bra. He loved how it looked against her milky white skin. When he got tired of that, he simply removed her bra to expose her large, bouncy jugs.

He massages her right breast in his hand, and sucks and nibbles at her left breast. Juvia let moderately loud moans escape her mouth. "Mmm...ahhh.... Gray-samaaaa....." He gave the right the same treatment as the left, which earned more moans from Juvia.

"Fuck Juvia! You're so fucking hot! You make it hard to resist you. I've been holding back for months.......but I don't think I can hold back anymore." He undid his pants, and started to remove Juvia's shorts.

Unfortunately he had to hold back, because Sylviana came downstairs. "Daddy?
Daddyyyyy? Are you up? I'm hungry!" She whined. Juvia was wide eyed and disappointed.
She quickly put her bra and top back on, and sat up.

Gray was also disappointed. "We'll get back to this later hot stuff. How about tonight?" He whispered in her ear. Juvia went scarlet, but nodded while avoiding eye contact. Gray went to give Sylvie breakfast, and Juvia was anxiously awaiting that night.

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