💙Family Reunion//Wow, You Could've Told Me💙

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Me: It is now time to introduce yet another good Fairy Tail character in this book!!

Gray: It better be good this time....

Juvia: Yeah, it has to be better than Lyon.....

Me: Well, I guess I'll tell you who is joining the book! *Insert drumroll noises here* It's.............GAJEEL!!!!

Juvia: Oh yay! Gajeel-kun, thank god it's someone decent! Thanks author-chan!

Gray: *sweatdrops* G-g-gajeel?!? Oh boy, I hope I don't die in this book......

Me: We'll see!!! JK, you won't die Gray.
Now on with the story!!

Gajeel's POV

It's been four months since I've talked to rainwoman. I hope she is okay, her being my little sister and all. I think I will give her a call and see if I can visit her anytime soon. She should be happy that I got engaged to Levy. She has shipped me and Shrimp for so long, so I thought I'd make it a reality. I called rainwoman, but she didn't pick up. I guess she is still sleeping, because it's only 10 am.

Within the next four hours, Gajeel called Juvia about 10 times more before he gave up.

Juvia's POV

I woke up and looked at the time. It was 2 in the afternoon. I also noticed I had 10 missed calls. I wondered who they were from. I opened my phone, and saw that they were from...
GAJEEL-KUN?!? Why would he be calling me?

Did something happen to him? Nah, it's Gajeel-kun. Welllll...... I'll call him back later. Right now, my body hurts and I want to go back to sleep. I took some pain meds, and looked over to Gray-sama. I immediately remembered last night's events, and blushed. I can't believe we did that. But anyway, I laid back down and fell asleep.

1 hour later....

I woke up to my phone vibrating. Sure enough, Gajeel-kun was calling me again. I picked up the phone.

"Hello? Are you okay Gajeel-kun?"

"I am now rainwoman, why the hell didn't you answer your god-damned phone?!?"

"Sorry I was sleeping, then I saw that you called, buttt....I went back to sleep...hehe...sorry...."

"Ughhhh, nevermind that sprinkler. Anyway, I wanted to tell you something that will make you happy. So I want to meet up with you at the ice cream shop. Can you make it today?"

"Of course I can! What time do you want to meet up Gajeel-kun?"

"4, that means you have an hour to get ready rainwoman. So ya better hurry it up."

Just then, Gray-sama gave me a hug and kiss.
"Good afternoon beautiful, how'd you sleep? I hope I didn't hurt you too much last night..." I realized I was still on the phone with my brother.
"Who the hell is that Juvia? AND WHAT THE FUCK IS HE TALKING ABOUT?!?"

"Ummmm.I....guess we have some catching up to do Metalhead....see you later BYEEE!!!!!"

I cut the call, and my face became extremely hot.
"Who were you talking to Juv?" I looked at
Gray, and smiled sheepishly. "Oh nobody...... JUST MY OLDER BROTHER! WHO HEARD WHAT YOU SAID ABOUT LAST NIGHT!!!" All of the color drained from his face. "He is going to kill me, isn't he?"

"Hopefully not....but anyway, I have to get dressed. I'm going to see him, he said he had something to tell me. Would you like to come with me? Seeing as he already knows that you exist..." He hesitated, but agreed to meet my brother.

Gajeel's POV

What the actual fuck did I just hear? Someone defiled my sister...I think I'm gonna be sick....
Well I guess now I have to meet him. I'm going to strike fear into his heart when I see him...He better not take advantage of her..... I don't wanna have to whoop someone else's ass for hurting Juvia.....

Timeskip....why not??

Gray's POV

We were sitting in the ice cream shop, waiting on Juvia's brother. While we waited, Juvia talked non-stop about him. From what I know, she is his adoptive younger sister, but his parents died before she really got to know them.

He has spiky black hair, and he looks pretty intimidating. He is also very protective of her...GREAT. He is most definitely gonna kill me today.

Gajeel walked into the shop, and Juvia instantly spotted him. She ran over and gave him a big hug. "Gajeel-kun!!! I missed you so much. How have you been doing?" He was completely unphased. "Geez, calm down Sprinkler..... I missed you too, and I'm fine. Now before I tell you what I wanted to tell you...." He trailed off and pointed to Gray. "You better introduce me to your little boy toy. Remember, I won't hesitate to kill him." Juvia gulped and blushed furiously.

"He is not my 'boy toy', Gray is my boyfriend." Gajeel looked shocked. "Well, ya coulda told me that rainwoman!! I told you when I first started dating Shrimp." Juvia shrugged and looked at him with a face that said sorry. They walked back over to their table. Gray got up and stood next to Juvia.

"Gajeel-kun this is Gray Fullbuster, my boyfriend of four months. Gray-sama, this is Gajeel Redfox, my adoptive older brother." They shook hands, and Gajeel asked to talk to Gray privately.

"Okay, I'll go get some ice cream for us!! What flavors do you want guys?"

"I'll take a scoop of mint chocolate chip, and one of vanilla please Juvi."

"I'll take cookies and cream and confetti. Please and thanks rainwoman."

She went off to order the ice cream. Gajeel took the opportunity to interrogate Gray.
"So what are your intentions with my little sister?" Gray immediately sweatdrops. "I....what are you talking about? I'm not going to hurt her, if that's what your asking..." He was visibly nervous. That's exactly what Gajeel wanted to happen.

Great, he looks scared shitless. He smirked.

"So what are you going to do with her? And if you plan on marrying her, you have to get MY approval first. Got that Fullbuster?" Gray gulped in absolute fear. "I am just dating her. I lo...* cough cough* really like her, and she makes me happy, vice versa." Gajeel snorted.

"Yeah, happy...... Don't think I didn't hear what you said to her earlier." Gajeel got really close to Gray's face. He had a dark aura around him, and his eyes were piercing holes into Gray's poor poor soul. "I'm telling you now, if you ever hurt her, you'll have to answer to me. And I won't hesitate to hurt you. Got it kid?" Gray was white as snow.

"Yup, sure, got it. I'll come to you before I do anything big, and I'll make sure to protect her with my life. I don't plan on hurting her, I could never hurt Juvia. She's the angel who helped me escape from my living hell. You can trust me with your sister."

Gajeel looked pretty convinced. "Okay then ...and don't think I didn't catch the part where you were about to say that you're in love with my sister. Welcome to the family I guess."

Juvia came back to the table, and they all ate their ice cream. "Now what did you want to tell me Gajeel-kun?" He choked. "*COUGH COUGH COUGH* Oh right, that's what we're here for. So basically, I just wanted to tell you that Shrimp and I are engaged, nothing major." He said bluntly. Juvia sat there for a while, in shock. Slowly, she was able to process everything.

OMG WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN?!? AND WHY DID I NOT KNOW UNTIL NOW!?!?" It was then that she realized she was yelling. She covered her mouth, and Gajeel scared everyone into looking away from the commotion.

"Relax rainwoman, it only happened two weeks ago. And to be fair, ya didn't tell me about your 'boy toy' that ya had for 4 whole months." Juvia rolled her eyes. "Yeah yeah. Anyways... When is the wedding? I'm so happy for you guys!!" He gave her all the details, and then he said he had to go, because Levy wanted help with the venue.

Everyone exchanged goodbyes, and they all left.
"Now that wasn't so bad, right Gray-sama?" He had a flashback, and sweatdropped. "Yeah, not bad at all."

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