💙Time to Get Approval...Wish Me Luck💙

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Me: In this chapter, Juvia will not make much of an appearance. It is more of a Gray and Gajeel chapter. Pray for Gray guys!! He might just die...

Juvia: Yay! Gray-sama and Gajeel-kun are going to get along!!

Gray: Did you not hear the part where I may die...?


5 more months later..

Gray and Juvia have been a couple for about a year and two months now. Gajeel and Levy came back three months ago, and they had more news. They were expecting a baby. Juvia couldn't be happier, because she was going to be an aunty.

Gray gave them his best wishes, and he has been almost officially welcome into the family. He has also been dropping hints around Gajeel during these past weeks, that he wants to marry Juvia. Gajeel hasn't really acknowledged that, but Levy was excited. She already approved of this, but it was really up to Gajeel. Gray decided to go buy a ring, to show him that he was serious about her.

Gray's POV

Today, I am going to go buy an engagement ring for Juvi. I got out the bed, and she immediately woke up. "Gray-sama, where are you going?" She asked sleepily. Juvia is so fricking adorable. I lied, and said that I had to go to work for a meeting.

"Okayy, but when are you coming back to me?" She is making it so hard to leave right now. But I told her I'd call her when I'm coming back. She whined some more, but she let me go. I gave her a kiss, and was on my way.

I got to the store, and browsed rings for about an hour and a half. Finally I came across the one that was perfect for my princess. It looked like a crown, which was great.

"I'd like this one please. How much is it?" The salesman said it was 15,000 joules. He also commented that this ring would make my special someone feel like their on top of the world. I paid, thanked him for all of the help, and left. My next stop was Gajeel's house. I'm so fucking scared that he'll say no.

But it's worth a shot, I just hope he doesn't kill me. After a twenty minute drive, I got to the house, and knocked on the door. I hope im not waking him up. Or else, he is most definitely going to say, "hell to the motherfucking no."

Unlucky for poor Gray, he woke Gajeel up.

Gajeel's POV

"WHO IN THE FUCK IS KNOCKING ON THE GOD-DAMNED DOOR?" Thanks to whoever it is, I woke Levy up, and she slapped me in the face. "Shut the hell up Gajeel! I'm trying to sleep, you know once I get up I don't feel good...." Now she's in the bathroom throwing up. Poor Shrimp, this baby is taking a toll on her body. But anyway, I went to answer the door. I opened it to see Stripper standing there.

"Well, what the actual fuck do you want Fullbuster? You ruined my sleep, got me yelled at and slapped, and now Shrimps in a bad mood." He just stood there looking lost.

"Hellooo? Are you deaf? What the fuck do you want?!?" He snapped out of it, and said he wanted to ask me something important. I can already see where this is going. He wants to marry my sister. I guess I'll hear him out, but I'm still fucking tired.

Gray's POV

He looks like he's going to listen to me, but he also still looks like he wants to kill me. He let me in the house, and we sat down on the couch.
"So what did you wake me up to talk about Stripper?" Instead of immediately talking, I pulled out the ring and showed it to him. He smirked, and began talking.

"So, that's what you wanted. My approval to marry my little sister. Well....I don't know about that. Are you going to leave her anytime after you propose, or marry her for that matter?" I shook my head.

"You will keep her happy, right?" I nodded. "If you have any problem, you will work it out, right?" I nodded once again. Then, as I expected, he was face to face with me.

"Like I said before, hurt her and you answer to me. Hurt her, and I will kill you. Hurt her, and you will never see the light of day again....... You have my approval, do what you want." I was scared shitless, but ecstatic. I thanked him like a thousand times.

"Alright already! Now get out before I change my mind." I rushed out the door, and got in the car. I called Juvia to tell her I was on my way home, and I was picking up breakfast for everyone. I can't wait to make her a full blown Fullbuster.

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